Gertaglebrache Settlement in Renedge | World Anvil


A vast, heavily industrialized derro city set in an enormous cavern in the Meridan Underdark. The city is almost 10 miles across and conjures memories of industrial Chicago. The air is filled with toxic smoke.


Aside from the city's ruler, the population of Gertaglebrache appears entirely made up of cyborg derro zombies, cyborg elementals, and golems.


Gertaglebrache is governed by a single mad derro "scientist" who watches over his construct minions from the all-seeing tower in the center of the city.


The city is protected by thousands of war golems and living statues. While the golems patrol, the statues pretend to be inanimate to catch invaders unawares. These constructs vary from the size of large humanoids to hundred-foot-tall colossi, and there may be larger variants beyond even that.


The city is equipped with magic-powered equivalents of industrial-era infrastructure. Trains carry supplies into the factories and finished golems out. Some equivalent to radio or electronic communication appears to be available. Canned food is produced and (presumably) available for distribution. Other modern conveniences are likely present but have not yet been shown.   Thousands of runes the size of buildings have been carved throughout the city, apparently directing all ambient magic to flow to the enormous golem factory in the industrial district. This power supply also doubles as protection, making teleportation and some long-range spells unpredictable.


The city is evenly divided into four district quadrants. One is residential, one is industrial, one is agricultural, and one appears to be administrative.   The residential area is the most normal, if highly urbanized. There are many 4-5 story chunky apartment complexes, with lots of wires and antennae sticking out all over the place.   The agricultural district is a giant farm area that mostly grows fungus, which seems to be growing off the industrial waste. With the city's population dead or unable to eat, most of the fungus being picked is tossed into piles to rot, though some does make it to giant canning facilities.


The history of the city is currently unknown. Its neighbors first became aware of its existence towards the end of 23 ARL, when its mad leader launched a massive golem invasion of all surrounding territories and nations. By that time, the city was already fully established and its once-living population had been replaced with (or converted into) cyborg zombies, trapped in programmed industrial routines.

Points of interest

The city contains a number of notable buildings:
  • A giant foundry building, with rail lines coming in and out bringing materials
  • An incredibly tall building sort of hanging from ceiling, with large parts of the building being supported by chains of living golems that frequently shift and move in response to unknown commands
  • A gigantic, very crude step pyramid immediately adjacent to the foundry
  • A large central apartment block in the residential sector
  • A larger, more fancy building right in the middle of the city. Not as big as the foundry or the pyramid, but has a big cylindrical tower with a projected energy field around it. The head of the mad derro who rules the city is projected on the giant cylinder, and everywhere he looks, the city changes.