Darkhome mithril mining zone Geographic Location in Renedge | World Anvil

Darkhome mithril mining zone

Darkhome mining zone map
A map of the Darkhome mithril mining zone, showing the various named caverns and features in the area.
  An extensive system of caverns and tunnels in the Underdark southeast of Darkhome. The area contains or links to a kuo-toa city, a hostile civilization of yellow formians, and the Blacklight Forest protected by the shadow dragon Zarlask. As the overall area lacks a name, it is being tentatively referred to as the Darkhome mining zone, as prospectors employed by New Hallownest discovered a mithril/solcite motherlode in tunnels on the eastern edge of the area.

Fauna & Flora

A colony of giant badgermoles can be found in the easternmost caverns. The spirit hive mind known as The Silence resides a little to the west of those caverns, animating the stone into strange eyeless animals.

Natural Resources

In the eastern part of this region is a motherlode of mithril mixed with solcite. The solcite is largely made up of the souls of Nadira's followers and guardians, who gave their lives long ago at the end of the war against the Ancient Alvidarian gods.   The deposit is currently being extracted by a dwarven mining crew under contract to New Hallownest. The minerals are transported west across the area and away to Darkhome via natural caverns and a long and shallow canal dug for the purpose. The mining effort is defended by a large and experienced company of professional mercenaries.


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