Aetheril Character in Renedge | World Anvil


Baroness Aetheril Vorethil (a.k.a. Ril)

A very powerful elven time mage/cleric who specializes in strengthening and protecting others. While she can most commonly be found in Leithien, where she serves as a baroness, her work for the Aedar and as a member of the powerful adventuring guild of Castle Fallingstar mean she may be found nearly anywhere in time and space.   She runs the cities of Aeon Rest (near the east-northeast border of Leithien) and Eternity's End (near Castle Fallingstar).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ril's heritage is half grey elf, half temporal spider abomination. Fortunately for everyone's sanity, she looks like a (relatively) mundane elf.   While Ril is over 500 years old, as of 23 ARL she has been physically de-aged to 137.

Facial Features

Ril's natural eye color is violet, but her left eye was lost in an orc attack when she was young (around 40 years old). The lost eye has been replaced by a magic orb that (due to shenanigans) is linked to the lifestream, and this "replacement" visibly pulses with prismatic energy. She wears an eyepatch to contain it.   Ril's hair is normally black, but due to her connection to Renedge it changes color in proximity to whatever leyline she's near.

Apparel & Accessories

A greyish-sliver eyepatch
Tempus Fugit: an ethereal longsword
Tiris Fallis Ceratus: beautiful longsword of striking, intelligent
Corthir: intelligent shapeshifting plate mail armor
A magic body shield. The shield is made of a silvery material and is adorned with a bluish dragon head with smoking glowy eyes.
A holy symbol with the image of a setting sun
Various vials on her belt filled with herbal healing concoctions

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ril always had a gift for fixing and smoothing over time anomalies. This may be attributable to her heritage; her father was an elven chronomancer and hero, and her mother is a shapeshifting temporal spider/time beast. Some facility with time is to be expected. But whatever her talent's origin, she has embraced it.   Ril lost her left eye as a child in a battle with orcs (a battle which, due to later temporal shenanigans, no longer ever happened). Later in her life she did a favor for a very powerful entity, Lady Night, who gifted her with immunity to paradoxes. This factor, her talent, a magic book written by the former archmage of Renedge, and the magic orb Ril had placed in her empty socket all came together during a battle against a deepspawn-esque temporal beast in the midst of a temporal anomaly inside the memory of Renedge.   In an effort to defeat the monster and close the anomaly that had trapped her party, Ril overcharged the magic orb with life magic that she'd learned from the book. The eye broke, creating a strange rift or connection to the lifestream that consumed the monster. The eye has since consumed or absorbed a number of other magic orbs/eyes, and requires an eyepatch made by Nicce to contain its weirdness.   "Functionally, it is not the deepspawn creature in there... It is its memory... Along with EVERYTHING else."   As a side effect of this connection to the lifestream, Ril's hair now changes color depending on the nearest leyline.


Educated in the Temple of Labelas


Aetheril fills a multitude of roles. She is a priest of Labelas Enoreth, an experienced mage, and a dimensional exorcist. She also works as an herbalist and writes reference books about the use of plants and herbs. When needed, she works for the gods of time (the Aedar, the collective of time gods) to fix time rifts.   She has also formally been chosen by the planet itself as the Historian of Renedge: Her magic eye allows her to identify, read, and interact with solcite, which is essentially Renedge's memories and history in solid form. Given that Renedge has occasional memories that cause issues and try to escape, this is a much more active job than its name implies.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes: Surprisingly, spiders.


Contacts & Relations

Familiar: Casio, mini time elemental, looks like a watch
Familiar: El'ue, black flying elven change cat   Ril is an old friend of the paranoid abjurer Ripley.

Religious Views

Ril worships the elven gods of history, knowledge, and time, Labelas Enoreth.




Towards Rodger Silverton


Rodger Silverton


Towards Aetheril



Rodger is Aetheril's student in the ways of dimensional exorcism. While Rodger has become a powerful exorcist in his own right over the years, he still happily considers Ril his teacher, and the relationship is embraced by both of them.



Towards Durrian




Towards Aetheril


Wealth & Financial state

Owns 3 inns:
  • The Rook
  • The Knight
  • The Hourglass
  • Has investments in Merritt's trading company.

    A powerful time mage specialized in defense and support. Appears to be a violet-eyed elven woman with (usually) black hair and an eyepatch. The Historian of Renedge and 2nd in command of the Castle Fallingstar adventuring guild.

    View Character Profile
    Neutral Good
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Historian of Renedge
  • Baroness
  • 2nd in command of the Castle Fallingstar adventuring guild
  • Age
    Durrian (boyfriend)
    Violet, eyepatch over left eye
    90 lbs
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations


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