2023/11/08: Continued Adventures in Space Part 11 Report Report in Renedge | World Anvil

2023/11/08: Continued Adventures in Space Part 11 Report

General Summary

Buzz, Aetheril, Johann, Kal'vus, Union, Sith, Malakai   Johann summoned a water elemental to help in the antimagic water. It served as transport to get him down to the hostile water elemental. He had a bit of a bard-off with the hostile one, who had apparently first come into being on the ship and was trying to save souls by taking them into herself rather than letting them be consumed by this place.   Her greatest wish was to go somewhere else and be free. Johann, through enthusiastic oratory countersong, convinced her that he and his friends could arrange that. With her help, they could do a ritual that would solve this place, and then they would be able to take her wherever she'd like to go and free her.   After arranging things with the water elemental, the party tracked down the earth elemental. In the subsequent confrontation, the earth elemental hit himself with some unused weapons system power conduits that Malakai plugged into the new engine. Ril cast the binding ritual on the incapacitated elemental; Chatopé was too busy being enamored of a gem.   The only elemental still loose is the air elemental. It is currently dispersed to avoid the soul rending effect of the zone. The last unsuccessful attempt to collect and bind it was with the dream censer and a crude symbolic ritual. Malakai has suggested using the bussard collectors on the ship's engines to gather it.

Character(s) interacted with

Renedge Campaign
Johann Erstklein
Buzz Gizmo
Report Date
08 Nov 2023
Primary Location


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