2021/12/15: Investigating Time Fungus in Darkhome Part 1 Report Report in Renedge | World Anvil

2021/12/15: Investigating Time Fungus in Darkhome Part 1 Report

General Summary

Knight, Whittle, Ril, Rodger   Continuing to explore the fungus caves. Apparently the group fell back to New Hallownest to take stock. Ash Falconherst dropped out, Rodger Silverton joined in.   The caverns may have changed a bit between ventures. They’re now appearing powder blue. We appear to be a bit in the future. (Checked later: We’re about 80 years in the future.)   We ran into a centipede creature with what appeared to be a mask, lots of teeth, and four macelike arms. It may be an amalgamation of a bunch of New Hallownest citizens who were affected by the mushrooms.   We killed the centipede thing, but the mask sprouted arms and legs and, in a feminine, cackling voice, screeched that she would steal our bodies next. Then Knight stabbed her to death. She turned out to be something like a drow or human with oversized insectoid wings. Her name was Sementhe, and she was a strangely mutated drider.   During the fight, the centipede shot a whole swarm of halfling-sized beetles at the group. One fought Rodger and then got scared of Sementhe and surrendered to Rodger. It has a name, but the name is a burble of noise incomprehensible to us.   The masks on the centipede’s back, and on the beetles, are made of pale ore. Knight collected about 250 of them.   In the hole the centipede came out of, we found some treasure chests and a HOLE IN REALITY. A big one. Relatively stable, as it hasn’t grown too much over the last 80 years, but it’s a problem. There are things outside that are whispering about wanting in.   Rodger, with Ril’s aid and a bunch of magical retries, closed the hole. A feminine hand made of nothingness reached out and almost grabbed Rodger before the portal closed. It pointed at him, as if to say “You. Later.”   In the next room, we found the green dream guy who helped us in Cubit. It turns out there’s a dream tyrant who’s taking over the green guy’s home area, and who has just recently started getting mind control powers. It’s likely that the dream magic and energy leaving the dream area are the cause of the time anomalies.   Knight cut our way into the dream realm to follow the green guy. The realm is very bright, grassy, and childishly cheerful. Very idealized countryside. In this realm, the green guy looks like a normal guy in a green cloak with the glowing purple sword we saw him with outside. He has a little, almost Hollow Knight-esque mask.   The tyrant has his idealized fortress of doom. It’s built in front of a volcano and has lava moats. Flying was disabled in the dream, but Rodger’s walls still worked, so we used that plus some camouflage magic to climb far over the castle and come down from above. We snuck through from the top of the tower and found the demon businessman sorcerer with a skull theme in a meeting room near the throne room.   We smashed him hard on turn 1. Knight tore him into shreds still connected by hellfire, then Rodger put him in a box and Ril filled the box with lightning. And then the imp that remained of him appeared outside the room and got his head caved in by Whittle and the beetle with a vase.   The guard captain the villain was meeting with survived and seemed confused but recovering from the mind control. Rodger detected that it wasn’t over; something more was coming. And then the castle began shaking.

Character(s) interacted with

Greenscreen God, Sementhe, unidentified extrareality woman

Related Reports

Report Date
15 Dec 2021
Primary Location


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