Amberwood Circle Settlement in Reluria | World Anvil
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Amberwood Circle

"Well you could stop by the Amberwood Circle where that nature cult lives, if you need a place to rest before heading into the mountains. They are friendly enough as long as you don't go near the Everwood. They get really touchy about that. Got some healers there too, if you get injured. Only thing, if you notice any animals around that circle, don't attack them. They have them as pets, kinda. Get real mad when you hurt one of their 'brothers', even if it's just a rabbit."
- Local guide informing a visiting noble

Points of interest

Located in a small wooded cluster of hills at the base of the Tevich Mountains, the Amberwood Circle is the home of the Amberwood Commune. The circle of stones are made of the sturdy granite of the mountains, but moved and now entwined by vines and roots of a large elm tree nearby.   Elven members of the commune built semipermanent structures among the trees in the area. Most are single story mud and stone structures that have tree limbs naturally blocking out rain and weather. Tents supplement dwellings, especially for visitors.   Animals and birds roam freely among the folk here, and it is said that many of the commune can take the form of Zov's creatures.   Some of the trees from the Castle Amber are located near the Great Elm. They are treated almost like sacred relics, protected and revered. The stone circle is used for the rituals and ceremonies. There is usually one guide on hand at the stones at any time. But guardian plants and animals can be found all around the area.
Alternative Name(s)
Amber Circle
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization
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