Yorno Bolehome Character in Reluria | World Anvil
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Yorno Bolehome

Guide in Training Yorno Bolehome (a.k.a. Snack)

"I do love being outside the commune from time to time. Hearing about ruins is so much different from actually seeing them. I do wish they weren't always filled with monsters and undead. Makes it a little less enjoyable, if I do say so myself."
- Yorno commenting while traveling with Fiadh

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally from Victory Fields, Yorno left home at an early age to "see the world". He got as far as Spring Blossom when he met Sly of the Amberwood Commune and was fascinated with his stories.    Before long Yorno was brought to the commune and witnessed the mystery of the Everwood from a safe but intriguing distance. He was hooked and soon joined up wanting to learn more about the place as well as its history. His eagerness and skills with natural magic showed promise, and soon he was turned into an apprentice guide.   During his first trip into the Everwood, he encountered an Owlbear (only an adolecent) that tried to use him as hunting practice. Guardian Fiadh came to his rescue. From that day forward Yorno felt he owed Fiadh his life. He insists on helping her during her missions with the Commune until he becomes a full fledged guide.
Current Location
Aligned Organization

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