Western Andas Vehicle in Ravare | World Anvil

Western Andas (an-dus)


Though much of their population was decimated in the Storm of 98 AF, the Western Andas is the most common vessel along the docks of both Shardholm and the City of Marble. With four strong masts (opposed to the average three for the Southern Andas) and glow-enhanced sails, a single Western Andas can maintain travel at 80 to 90 miles a day. With a skilled Conduit aboard this can be nearly doubled.


  • First Western Andas built in Shardholm in 9013 AF so that goods could be transported out of the reach of the Mindless Unfallen.
  • Trade agreement made with City of Marble to share the design in 9014 AF in exchange future trades with minimal taxation.
  • Dozens made during the Fall, spreading them as far South as Sapwater.
  • Smaller, lighter version of the Andas created within Sapwater for the purpose of smuggling in the year 9047. It is named the Southern Andas.

General Information

Common across the Western shores of Haven.
80 to 90 miles per day.
Complement / Crew
Full complement is 200 members strong, but with more Conduits or Weavers the numbers can be reduced drastically.

Altered Carrack

As my knowledge of shipfaring vessels is extremely lacking, the Western Andas mostly resembles the real-world Carrack. This will require a great deal of revision, or a full rewrite, when Summer Camp is over. With the average technology present within Ravarus, it was tempting to use the more widely used Galleon but seafaring is dangerous and comes with little profits when the ocean itself wishes to destroy anything that floats upon it.

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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