Known for its bright blue colour, persacoal is found only in the areas surrounding the town of Persa.
Burning Bright
Originally discovered when the town of Persa was founded, this bright blue form of coal has been utilized in a significant amount of productions since its discovery. While it's mostly been used alongside magical reagents, some people also use them the same wasy as regular coal. When used as if it was regular coal, the flames of persacoal burn as bright blue as the coal itself, while being a very low and intense flame. The heat can be felt from a significantly further distance from a brazier in a cold environment than one would normally be able to. Persacoal is highly desired by the Magisterium as well as communities in cold environments such as Iscoania. There are some people who choose to exclusively use persacoal for their lifestyle, though when they haven't taken the proper precautions for an intense flame, they can find themselves in a bit of trouble, especially with wooden houses.Low Coals
The burnt coals of persacoal are also sought after, though not as a vital resource as much as something to be utilized as a form of makeup. It spreads thinly and evenly across the surface it's rubbed on, and keeps its blue colouration after being burnt. Because of its ability to be used in multiple ways after it's burned, it's more sought after than similar materials. As well as its use as a makeup material, persacoal has also found use in fertilizers, allowing farmers to utilize salt water when absolutely necessary.
Specific to a single area
Bright blue