Low-Speak Language in Perillel | World Anvil


"Did you see the the meteorite? Made it's way just overhead the viewspot. Helluva show." -smuggler

Spoken by

The Syndicate


Speaking in Undertones

  The Syndicate realized early on that low-life criminals were incapable of keeping their lips sealed when it came to underground operations. Unfortunately, they were also incapable of understanding subtleties in speech, which led to more than a few mishaps involving lost goods or inadvertent kidnappings. The only solution the Chairmen could come up with was to teach lower-level bodies to speak in undertones, using secret codewords to indicate meaning. Lackeys could then speak openly about their operations without the higher-ups fearing legal repercussions or potential setbacks.


  It was Ajax , the recent rising leader of the Raiders, who brought the idea to the Chairmen's table. He envisioned crimes unpredictable and untraceable to even the most elite investigators, as well a way to root out moles early. Ajax headed the project, developing rotating code terms that when used sound like small talk, but have higher implications. For instance, the word "comet" may be used to indicate a ship smuggling weapons, but the words change randomly.



"Ever pass by a couple of thug-looking dudes and hear them casually talk about the weather? You really think that they are just making small talk?" -the Rogue

The Learning Lab

  Since the culmination of the gangs into the Syndicate, gang members have been required to undergo indoctrination. The Syndicate spared no expense on the Learning Lab, a retrofitted exploratory station in Thugs territory. After the introduction of Low-Speak and its long development it was added to the curriculum for indoctrination as a three week course. Failure to master Low-Speak prevents would-be criminals from moving through the ranks.


Utmost Secrecy

  Low-Speak is currently unable to be translated by anyone outside the Syndicate. Even more, because of the rotating schedule of code words, even if one was able to decipher the meaning in one instance, it wouldn't ever translate the same again. This level of secrecy is maintained through brutal means as snitches are considered walking dead men.
"Under no circumstance are you to divulge what any codeword means, and if I find out any of you spill my schedule, I will personally end your life, slowly." -Ajax

The Schedule

  The rotating schedule is held in complete secrecy by only the most trusted members of the gangs, usually the kingpins. But even here another precaution was taken as each kingpin has their own schedule which means under the unlikely circumstance that a schedule is leaked, operations can continue in other areas in secret.


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Jul 14, 2020 04:28 by Stormbril

I like this a lot! A good secret code is one that can be said out loud with none the wiser.   *Shakes fist at would be snitches*   so long as no one spills the secrets!

Jul 14, 2020 07:32 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like that the code rotates so that no outsider has the chance to figure stuff out. Would kind of suck to be a criminal with a really bad memory though! XD

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet