The Cellar

It was very late but the moon and the few scattered street lamps provided enough light for the three cloaked figures to lead their donkey-drawn cart through the town of Blackstone. The main street was cobblestone and the donkey with its cart would have clattered in the night, had they been following it. None of the cloaked figures carried a lantern. One of them knew the way through the side streets and alleyways. They preferred to not draw attention to themselves.   The leading cloaked figure turned onto one last alleyway that ended at a small corral with a small stable attached. Across the even smaller yard was the back of a two-story shop. The leading figure looked up. In the upper floor window that looked out at the yard, a lamp gleamed with a gentle amber light.   "Here we are," the leading cloaked figure said. He walked to two doors laid on their long edges and leaning against each other to form a peak. He pulled them open on hinges set in a stone foundation until they reached the end of sturdy ropes that kept them from flopping to the ground. Beneath the doors was a set of steps leading down.   "Let's get everything unloaded and your donkey seen to while no one is watching," the leading cloaked figure said. "Then we can get you settled in and a spot to drink. The ale in the cellar is very good."


  Two hundred three years ago, the cellar began as an oversized storeroom beneath the Oddes Shoppe. Selling various types of paper, blank books, inks, and writing implements, the Oddes Shoppe needed a large cellar to fit inventory and a workshop for mixing ink into little jars and vials.   Obsidius died some sixty years later. He had willed his shop to a friend named Duno Deerwest and nothing seemed to change. It was still run as a writing shop with a modest supply of simple charms and magical trinkets. But, down in the cellar, changes were happening.   Duno was the leader of a secret organization called the Brethren. He was a man of vision and he planned for the cellar to serve as more than a mere storeroom. The first thing he did was have the cellar made larger, explaining to any curious townsfolk that he felt the cellar would also make for a fine place to keep his library. He went on to explain to any nosy townsfolk that he was a busy merchant, traveling to make great trades, but his brothers were more settled and would be running the shop for him. These fabrications worked as intended, satisfying the gossips, which left him and his Brethren unbothered as they worked to make this their secret headquarters.  

The Layout

Going down the steps leads into the storeroom.   It is a long room whose back third is lined with shelves.
At the far end of the library, is a remembrance mantle.   The scent of sage burnt in offerings often lingers here.   A long tapestry hangs to cover the archway.
Behind the tapestry is an iron gateway into the taproom of the hidden tavern. Here the scent of hot bark used to mull ale greets all who enter.
by Tama66
Beyond the taproom and to the left is a barracks with enough bunks to sleep twenty people. The scent of the cedar wood keeps vermin at bay.
Beyond the taproom and to the right is the kitchen, whose hot teas and stews bring a feeling of warmth and welcome.  

The Secrets in the Cellar

The simple shelves behind the bar hide even more shelves of scrolls, papers, and books that are the records of the Brethren. In it are the reports of every demon, bitter entity, and rogue mage they have encountered. There are also journals of retired Brethren who spent their elder years sharing their knowledge.    
Behind the remembrance mantle is a chapel with an altar to Boki, the goddess of secrets. She is their patron goddess and to whom all the Brethren have devoted their faith and their lives.
  Beyond her chapel, there is a sturdy vault containing many useful things. However, the very reason for the vault to have been made is for some truly horrible things that should never be out upon the world. These things either cannot be destroyed or no means has yet been found to destroy them. Because of the vaults, the cellar is protected against all scrying magics. This is possible as every wall and floor and ceiling in the cellar is lined with stones of plumbum ore.


  It's been one hundred fifty-some years since Duno died and the Brethren still carry on their secret work. They come to the cellar by humble means, either as working passengers on a river ship or keelboat or as simple tradesmen with donkey carts. Nondescript, they are barely noticed by the most sharp-eyed folks then quickly ignored.  
Burnyrd "Deerwest" runs the Oddes Shoppe with his "nephew" Symel.     What their actual names and familial relations truly are is a tightly protected secret they never divulge.     To the Brethren, they are Father Burnyrd and Brother Symel.
  While Father Burnyrd sees to the shop above, it is Brother Symel who sees to things in the cellar. He will discreetly lead arriving Brethren to the cellar where they can relax and even receive healing should it be needed. Playing placards, reading books, and having good conversations without the worry of being overheard is precious to the Brethren who spent most of their lives watching their words and perfecting their humble covers. Coming to the cellar is like coming home for them, and Symel works very hard to ensure the cellar provides them that feeling.  
"Ale from your cellar sounds good," one of the other cloaked figures said with a woman's voice. Her arms were filled with bundles from the cart."The road has been long and ... lively."   Having put up the donkey in a stall, the last figure joined them. Only one arm carried bundles as the other was in a sling.   "We do have a library to go with the ale," the first cloaked figure said, a hint of humor in his voice.   "An unlively bit of reading as I drink fine ale sounds divine," the cloaked figure with an arm in a sling said with a weary man's voice. He followed them down the steps.   "Let's get you that ale. Then, after I bring in the rest of your cartload, you can tell me all about the lively road."   "Ha!" The woman laughed. "You'll be writing a book!"

Table of Contents


The Ale

The Oddes Shoppe is in the town of Blackstone where there is the Cragjumper's Alehouse. Cragjumper's makes one of the finest ales in all the Miribex kingdom. This fine ale is called Peak Ale and holds up well when its mulled with hot bark, a particular favorite of the Brethren.    

Argenti Ravens

  The Brethren are scattered about the world, but they do manage to keep in touch through the use of Argenti Ravens. These are little raven figurines no taller than a pinky finger is long and magically deliver spoken or written messages anywhere around the world. It is through the Argenti Ravens that the Brethren maintain their worldwide reach.   Every Brethren has their own Argenti Raven. They had been delivered to all of them at once as a warning three years ago. Newer Brethren have also received theirs in the same manner though no longer with the terrible message from that time. These ravens are sent from the cellar.  
When Ravens Cried
Document | Jan 30, 2023
The Brethren
Organization | Mar 4, 2024

Cover image: by Noupload


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Mar 15, 2022 23:03 by rugrat0ne

Nice article, I like the layout. Who, exactly, are the Brethren? I can't tell from the article itself.

I've done Diamond or Die. This year I'm trying Diamond or Nap.
Mar 15, 2022 23:28 by K.S. Bishoff

I have added the Brethren's article block to help salve your curiosity.

Come vist my worlds
Mar 16, 2022 19:15 by Eliora Yona

Good article! I liked the part where their real names are secret even among one another. This strikes me as they don't trust each other. Interesting.

Mar 16, 2022 20:13 by K.S. Bishoff

Its not about trust ... its about protecting against mind reading witches lol

Come vist my worlds
Mar 16, 2022 23:38 by Eliora Yona

Oh... Um, I'm sorry?   Anyway, that was my impression. Good read.

Mar 17, 2022 15:59 by K.S. Bishoff

yes ... I dont really explain that in any of the articles ... yet ... because I have not revealed the witches and such yet in my writing ... a little spoiler info lol

Come vist my worlds
Mar 16, 2022 22:38 by Michael Chandra

This sounds like an AWESOME legacy: A peaceful secret base with tons of gathered knowledge. Also nice layout!

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Mar 17, 2022 16:01 by K.S. Bishoff


Come vist my worlds
Mar 17, 2022 08:48 by Tara Fae Belle

Nice! I like how the room started and then grew to what it is now. The story sections at the start and end of the article really wrap it up nicely!
Check out my Tavern challenge entry: The Destill - Dwarven Spice Tavern

My current passion is Shroom People. I still don't know much about them yet. But as I do, it will be updated here:
Shroom People
Species | Jul 10, 2024
~ Happy wording!
Mar 17, 2022 16:02 by K.S. Bishoff

Thank you

Come vist my worlds
Mar 17, 2022 14:50 by Mikael Jokela

I really enjoy how you have written the layout of the tavern! Feels like the reader himself is on a journey or an adventure, walking from room to room and seeing those pictures and reading the descriptions really suits the general atmosphere of the tavern nicely! I'd imagine that if were would be a tavern sitting on top of The Cellar, it would be where everyone rumors for a thieves-guild like faction to operate... Oh only if they knew what business was brewing underground!

Mar 17, 2022 16:03 by K.S. Bishoff

yes lol ...

Come vist my worlds
Mar 17, 2022 18:15

This was really neat read! I will admit, being a novice to worldbuilding, and really writing all together, I was immediately drawn in by the layout of information alone.   Well done!

Mar 17, 2022 20:14 by K.S. Bishoff

Glad you enjoyed reading it!

Come vist my worlds
Mar 17, 2022 21:48 by George Sanders

Ooo! I like the Layout section with the 6 images and descriptions and the side bar that goes with you. I have made css notes on that from Satrium's pages. :) The descriptive story at the beginning is great! (there are some typos in there - prefered, attrached, cloacked)

Write for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Mar 18, 2022 00:27 by K.S. Bishoff

Glad you enjoyed it. Thanx for the typos heads up!

Come vist my worlds
Mar 18, 2022 08:17

Your design is immaculate! It is a very brief article, sadly. I want more! Nevertheless, I gave you a "like."
Mar 18, 2022 10:34 by K.S. Bishoff

Thank you! As for more ... they are a very secretive bunch, and this was as much as I could get them to reveal

Come vist my worlds