Ascension Tradition / Ritual in Pandemonium | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Ascension is bringing the physical and spiritual closer together. By opening a beings vita points their true name becomes clear. Once the name is visible the points can be empowered, thus ascending them to their full potential.


Requires the participation of a willing subject. This subject is approached in the astral plane and placed within a circle; their vita points are opened one at a time. Once opened, their true name is revealed. Using that, a line of vita is threaded through each, empowering them. This must be done one at a time and they cannot move onto the next one without gaining control of the current one. Once all are empowered and controlled the physical body can be pulled into the astral plane, where it merges with all its newly acquired power.


The walls between the planes are malleable, more so sometimes than others. For ascension to work a bridge must be made between the planes, making it easier to achieve when the walls are at their weakest. The walls are weaker at night than during the day. At dusk and dawn the borders are weakened even further. On the solstices and equinoxes, they are weak all day and night. Peaking at midnight each time. Certain celestial events can have an effect on those borders as well.
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