Elder Knight - Royal Armory Rank/Title in Pallo | World Anvil

Elder Knight - Royal Armory

Frontline leaders of the Royal Armory. Rank insignia is two gold chevrons.  


  • Leadership academy diploma


  • Adhere to code of conduct
  • Attend rite of promotion
  • Receive majority approval from the panel of Magisters


While meeting the requirements and having met qualifications, one must attend a rite of promotion where they receive their rank insignia and recite the oath of the Royal Armory.


  • Attend meetings at the monarch's court
  • Perform diplomatic duties at the Amana International Embassy
  • Perform diplomatic missions in The Wyldlands
  • Serve as adjunct generals for Amana in wartime, serving as strategic and intelligence resources for military commanders
  • Lead and organize disaster relief efforts
  • Assist in arbitration of criminal charges
  • Challenge threats to the populace of Amana
  • Offer support to the people


  • Lead 2 or more knight cells
  • Bailiff for arbitration
  • Specialized response for dangerous encounters
  • Court assistance for crisis response


Monthly stipend of 50 gp

Accoutrements & Equipment

  • Royal Armory armor (plate)
  • 1 weapon of choice (sword or spear)
  • 1 shield (optional)
  • Medallion of Crest of Amana
  • Ring of Nepi (spellcasting focus)

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

  • Treason
  • Not adhering to code of conduct
  • Failing to promote before 10 years of service1


When Amana unified under a single monarch, the Royal Armory was founded as a sort of check against corruption. It was comprised of soldiers from all three nations on Amana and combined to serve the people by protecting them from all threats except foreign armies. Their devotion to serving the people is how they managed to create righteous warriors of faith without requiring devotion to a single deity. Nepi is considered the patron deity of the Armory, but not necessarily the deity worshipped by all of the knights.
Elder knights are primarily leaders amongst the Royal Armory. While they will perform duties of knights when necessary, especially in times of disaster, most civilians will not interact with elder knights while they perform their duties. Their presence is seen as a blessing and a curse: if something warrants an elder knight being present, it is a terrifying thing, but there is comfort in knowing that they are there. As leaders, they are also expected to be on the look out for corruption.

Cultural Significance

Elder knights are held in the highest regard on Amana. They are venerated as the spirit of Amana. The people put a larger amount of trust in the elder knights to protect them from corruption than any knight in chevron three.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Form of Address
Source of Authority
The Monarch of Amana
Length of Term
10 years (including attaining the rank again after demotions)
Reports directly to
Related Locations
Related Organizations

Rank Structure

The Royal Armory is divided into three chevrons, with one being the lowest and three being the highest. Chevron one is the squires and knights. Chevron two is the elite knights and elder knights. Chevron three is the palace guards, special duty knights, and magisters.


1 Exceptions being made for those being demoted near, at, or after their 20 years of service mark can be found in Royal Armory Edict 19 - Time in Service considerations regarding demotion.


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