Mercanus Dargent Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Mercanus Dargent

Katib Mercanus Dargent

Cruel and ambitious, Mercanus Dargent is the father of the current Vizier of the Dargent household. He and his wife, Mirabilis were exiled from the Noble Court in a Whisper Vote called by their son, due to a disagreement over the reigning Dargents' "plan". Mercanus now runs one of the Dargent family banks in the Mercantile District of the city.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Copperday, Tinkermoon, 1278
Mercanus Dargent was a cruel father. Richard Dargent remembers the exact day that Mercanus broke then 12-year-old Richard's arm (most likely on purpose).
Goldday, Richmoon, 1287
Mercanus worked as a banker, working his way upwards in society in the guise of a Human, when he temporarily moved to the Noble Court after Richard was selected to be the Financial Vizier of the Rich Man's Domain.
Takesday, Beggarmoon, 1289
Believing his parents did not have enough vision, Richard arranged for Whisper Vote to remove Mercanus and his wife, Mirabilis, from the court. Most of the families and the Lord Captain Emissary agreed to "Exile" the pair, although the Ratrider and Jackalslicer families voted to "Forgive". The Underhands, Bakerstreets and Shajaras abstained (making this one of the few times the Shajaras have ever voted differently from Richard). Although Mercanus and his wife were clearly ambitious, the difference in how far they were willing to go in their attaining of human power led to some kind of family split.

Personality Characteristics


Even before his son, Richard Dargent was selected to be the Financial Vizier of the Noble Court, the Kitsune Dargent Family had been living as Humans to profit from the advantages enjoyed by the more dominant species. Mercanus is undoubtedly power-hungry, but his values or methods seems to diverge from the vision of the Dargent Vizier and Viziera's plan.


Mercanus Dargent


Towards Mirabilis Dargent


Mirabilis Dargent


Towards Mercanus Dargent


Current Status
Exiled from the Noble Court
Branch Manager for Dargent Bank
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
74 years old
Date of Birth
Takesday, Richmoon, 1238