Story Vault
The Story Vault is run by the Vaultkeeper who oversees everything, including which stories get shared and which are stored.
The Vaultkeeper is assisted by Vaultwatchers who ensure that the Vaultkeeper's edicts are carried out.
Others working in the Story Vault, may be Storykeepers, Storylearners and Storylisteners as well as Storytellers. Although often they have "for the vault" at the end of their titles. It is prestigious and being part of it is something one would want to announce.
There are also those known as Travelling Vaults, whose job it is to travel across Vellikka and spread the most important stories to all the villages and towns across the land.
Public Agenda
The Story Vault's goal is to ensure that the most important stories from across Vellikka are collected, stored and shared. They are about sharing information and keeping people informed.
The organisation is one of the oldest in Vellikka, as towns and villages soon came to understand that a lesson learned in one settlement could be of value to all the others too. An early example tells of a cure for Weeping Warts which was discovered by mistake on the south coast saving the lives of hundreds of people because it was shared between settlements.
Listen, Learn, Repeat
Broadcasting, Other
Alternative Names
The Story Vault, The Story Keep
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