Drive: Callineff's Need For Stories Plot in P'Ache | World Anvil

Drive: Callineff's Need For Stories


The main set up points are:
  • Calli telling The Lost Words to Ikanta Storyteller
  • Ikanta Storykeeper's reaction to Calli's story and Nehanna's condition
  • Nehanna Storyteller's rection to their loss of words
  • Arrival of a Travelling Vault
  An additional background point is Nehanna receiving a message from the Peacekeepers in the Place of Spirits, without really understanding what it is.



  • Love of words
  • Power of stories
  • Power of words
  • Culture around stories

Truth & Perception

  • Any event processed in perception
  • One person's truth isn't The Truth
  • Belief in The Truth


  • Self-belief will get you far
  • Stick-with-it-ness


  • Power beyond control
  • Unpredictable
  • Beauty and chaos



Calli's Goals

Callineff has a need for fame and recognition, without really understanding what fame is. They want everyone to know their name, and they have a firm belief in The Truth.  

Ikanta's Goals

Ikanta Storykeeper can see that Callineff Storylearner has a skill for storytelling and wants them to be a great storyteller within Abna, but only if they manage to understand that storytelling is about listening as well as speaking. In addition, they want to help Nehanna Storyteller, who they have a close relationship with.


The Lost Words

Nehanna losing words and Callineff crafting a story about it is the initial hook for this drive.
  • Calli believes that they have done a great thing and no one is recognising it, because their story is well constructed and tells The Truth.
  • Ikanta sees this as an example of Calli's inability to learn the craft of objective storytelling
These two points drive the first conflict.  

The Travelling Vault

The arrival of a Travelling Vault in the village gives Callineff an idea to seek their greatness elsewhere. Somewhere they "will be appreciated". They will not be able to travel with the Travelling Vault, but will learn what direction to take to reach the Story Vault Headquarters.


Nehanna Losing Words

With Nehanna Storyteller losing words, and suffering from Leaving, this means that they may not be able to tell or keep stories, which puts several things at risk:
  1. What does this mean for Nehanna's future within the community of Abna?
  2. What does this mean for storytelling within Abna?
  3. Who will keep the shared oral history alive?

Travelling to the Vault

Travelling to the Story Vault is not an easy journey. From Abna the fastest and most direct route involves crossing the River Splitt and then either skirting the Milam Mountains or heading through the wilds of the Hedan Basin. These are dangerous places, which the Travelling Vaults often avoid, preferring to follow coastlines and well-worn paths where possible.

Moral Quandaries

What is The Truth?

Calli will face this question several times, as their understanding of The Truth is whatever they percieve it to be, and they struggle with understanding other people's perspectives.   Travelling with Nehanna Storyteller will help them understand this, even if they never fully learn this lesson.




This story arc starts in Abna, with the aim of them heading to Story Vault Headquarters. They will have to cross the River Splitt, and both Hedan Basin and Milam Mountains will play as backdrops for the natural threats.


External Threats

Calli doesn't know that the Peacekeepers have been in touch with Nehanna and that is part of the reason for their journey to the Vault.   Calli also doesn't appreciate what will happen to the community if they don't figure out what's wrong with Nehanna or find a way to replace them within the village.  

Natural Threats

This will need to be fleshed out, but should include:
  • Crossing the river safely
  • Finding food and shelter along the way
  • Creatures of the Basin
  • Weather

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Professions Vellich Profession Paths, Storytellers, Travelling Vault
Culture Vellich World View, Path Choosing, Vellich
People Callineff, Ikanta Storykeeper, Nehanna Storyteller
Places Abna, Story Vault Headquarters, The Vell
Stories The Lassals' Path, The Lost Words
Plot type
Character Drive
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