Emissary of the Peacekeepers Profession in P'Ache | World Anvil

Emissary of the Peacekeepers



Becoming an Emissary of the Peacekeepers requires more than just years of training at the Peacekeeper Training Academy. In order to qualify as an Emissary you have to excel in the appropriate classes and take an additional three year course followed by two years shadowing an existing Emissary as their support and assistant.

Career Progression

Emissary's are ranked based on their achievements, which is about the glory of bringing more resources into the Peacekeeper Empire. There aren't explicit ranks, but rather an Emissary works their way up from low risk, low value treaties to higher risk, high value planets. An Emissary who achieves a difficult or particularly rewarding treaty can expect greater reknown and more choice of the best postings.

Other Benefits

The best Emissaries are famous across the Peacekeeper Empire and hold a certain amount of sway and influence as a result. They may be given better social advantages, and find that within the borders of the empire they are treated more respect than they might be elsewhere.



The apparent aim of an Emissary is to broker treaties between warring factions either on the same planet or on planets within the same system. This is not done out of the kindness of the Peacekeepers' hearts. It is done to give them an "in" with the civilisations they are working with so that they are able to extract whatever they might need. This could be a resource of some kind, or it could be the first step towards making them part of the Peacekeeper Empire.



Peacekeeper Emissary's are provided with a Tanka Intergalactic Transport which they are able to upgrade as they improve as an Emissary. They are also automatically provided with several Universal Translators and a Intergalactic Farsona so that they are able to communicate both with the distant civilisations they are visiting and send reports back to Peacekeeper Headquarters.
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