Tanka Intergalactic Transport Vehicle in P'Ache | World Anvil

Tanka Intergalactic Transport

The Tanka is designed to transport people and small amounts of cargo long distances. As they are designed for intergalactic travel, many contain hibernation chambers for up to four life-forms, to make long haul flights easier for everyone.   It is a versatile spacecraft, and is popular with the upper echelons of Pachian society as it provides a good amount of comfort, allows them to land planet-side and is designed to be customisable.   The most basic model of the Tanka is a popular service vehicle for professions which involve a lot of space travel. They are sturdy and tend to be long lasting, so are considered a good investment.    Those wishing to carry large amounts of goods across the same long distances can upgrade their craft to do so. They are regularly seen with a crate tow attached to the back. These tows don't allow access to the cargo during flight, but are very cost effective and sturdy.

Power Generation

The Tanka is a popular form of intergalactic transportation due in no small part because of the thoroughly affordable power source. The Tanka has solar panels positioned in a silver belt around the middle of the craft to allow charging whenever it is near enough to a star.

Weapons & Armament

There are no weapons on the Tanka.

Armor and defense

It has a shield and security measures, as well as a defensive autopilot system built-in which are all designed to avoid conflict or prevent harm coming to those onboard. It is not designed to be a military vehicle of any kind, or enter war zones.

Communication Tools & Systems

The Tanka has an inbuilt Universal Translator system embedded into the core system of the craft. There are Intergalactic Farsona interfaces built into the deck, both of the two bedrooms, and into the shared living space.    The core system of the craft has basic machine learning and maps of the known universe as part of it, but these can be upgraded and many personal crafts have personal assistants or more specific features depending on the purposes required.
Related Professions
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
1 - 4 people comfortably


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