Human Species in Oxdara | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Humans are bipedal creatures, with two arms and two legs, and are plantigrades, walking on the soles of their feet, with their toes and soles flat on the ground. Humans have 5 toes on each foot, and four fingers and a thumb on each hand.   Whilst most see humans as the generic or average person, in Oxdara humans, like the other people of Rularia, evolved into who they are because of their surroundings. All the Rularian people being evolved from the Tal.

Biological Traits

Human's are an extremely adaptable species of Tal descendants, and are able to find common ground across borders, languages, and species. Humans fall into two distinct groups, whilst not subspecies like other's - High Elves or Mountain Dwarves - the different human groups have some differing traits. Why Humans have evolved to be this adaptable is unknown, but some theories state that it is due to their lessened lifespans in comparison to the other Tal descendants, they became so adaptable to make the most out of their shorter life.  
Dragontide Humans (Variant Humans)
Dragontide Humans are the most adaptable of the two groups, whilst all humans have an innate ability to adapt to situations, Dragontide Humans exemplify this. They are able to pick up a skill more readily from a young age, as well as picking up a strong feat or talent, becoming great chefs or expert marksmen.  
Venka Human (Regular Humans - with additions)
Venkan Humans, or Venkan-Ori, have developed a resistance to the cold. Whilst not as powerful as a Dragonborn's resistance, Venkan-Ori can live and are only affected by the really cold weather. They are also strong sailors and swimmers, being taught to sail the frozen oceans, and swim in the frigid depths from a young age. (When playing as a Venkan-Ori you start with a proficiency in ships, navigators tools and a swim speed of half your walking speed.)

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans, like all Tal descendants, are mammalian and reproduce via internal fertilisation and a live birth, after 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans grow through childhood and adolescences through their first two decades, becoming adults around their 20th/21st birthday.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

All humans grow body and facial hair, though male humans tend to grow facial hair and torso hair more commonly than females. Near all humans will grow hair on their heads, styling it in a variety of ways and styles, some shaving their hair completely.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Living above ground, in the bright daylight, overtime the Tal that evolved into Humans began to loose their great night sight. No longer needing to keep watch at night for the terror of the Old Gods or their servants.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Human names vary, especially between Rularian Humans and Venkan Humans.   Rularian human names come from anywhere, first names can have in-depth meaning or no meaning at all. Their surnames however come from their jobs or their homes, Miller, Smith, Carver, or Mire, Forest, River. Nobles will have names representative of their families ideals or qualities, as well as the forebearers jobs or homes, Proudmire, Strongcarver. Though these names are not set in stone as forced rules, its not uncommon for families to choose their own names either because of special meaning to them, or because it makes them sound special.   Venkan human names tend to come from the Hillaran word for various animals. Ulf for wolf, Bjorn for bear, Dak for Dragon. (In terms of real world naming conventions looks to the Norse and Scandinavian names) Their surnames being the name of their father or mother, depending on who was the more influential parent, or leader of their family. Male children being the son's of the father, Bjorgson, Thorison, Ulfson, female children being the dottir, Bjorgdottir, Thoridottir, Ulfdottir, and children who choose not to present as either male or female as kin, Bjorgkin, Thorikin, Ulfkin.

Major Organizations

The notable Human civilisations are the Kingdom of Dragontide in Rularia, and the clans and tribes of Humans in Venka.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The human first language has now almost been completely eradicated, though in ancient texts and relics seems to have been the closest language to the Tal. However over time they began speaking Rularian common, a mixture between Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish, Orcish, Halfling, eventually they stopped speaking human in favour of common all together. The Rularian common being a great language for the people who traded with every other kingdom in Rularia, bridging language gaps without having to learn a complete other language.   The Rularian common was taken over to Venka by human migrants seeking new lands away from the kings and queens of Dragontide. And whilst they started using more and more Draconic words since they're settlement in Venkan, and the larger trading they do with the two Dragonborn empires, they still hold onto some words. Venkan common and Rularian common both being very similar, only more Draconic terms in the Venkan common tongue; which is only common to the Humans who live in Venka, as the Dragonborn prefer to use their native tongue, practically forcing the humans to using their language, or as close as non Draconic people can get.


Strained Relationship with the Dwarves

The Humans and Dwarves have always had a strained relationship, especially along their border. The two kingdoms would constantly be at war in some regard with each other, until the Last War. Starting in the 57th year of Rularia's 4th era, was the bloodiest either had seen, the causalities on both sides causing the Ixmorian council of Lords and Dragontide's King to sign a treaty. This treaty between the two races allow neither to raise a large military and that they would fight wars together and never against again, choosing to remain neutral if necessary. Independently neither nation could amas a large enough standing army to defend themselves, which ultimately paved the way for Rosalind and her Dark Wing Empire to take over Dragontide.

Historical Figures

August Proudmire, King of Dragontide, Lord of Tronbridge, The People's Champion, Champion of Putara
Rosalind Korintha, Former Empress of the Dark Wing Empire, Lady of Dragontide, Puppet of Inday and Gondri
Bjorg 'The Dreamer' Korinson, Unifier of the Human Venkans, First Human King of Venka
Bjorn Bjorgson
Ceneri Bjorgdottir
Ulf Bjorgdottir
Sigfred Bjorgson
Dak Bjorgkin

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

It is extremely common for Humans to have relationships with other races. Many siring children with Dwarves, Orcs, Elves, even Dragonborn, which for some makes growing up hard, battling with both heritages; especially half Humans/half Dwarves, given the two's tenuous and strained history.   Their strained history with the Dwarves of Ixmoria have left the relationship between the two nations, tenuous at best. However, since the war against the Darkwing empire, when the Dwarves came to the aid of the Humans, and the Rularian council established, the relationship between the two people has improved. Now the only tension between the two being oceanic borders, and trade, especially through the border city of Undara. However, the need for the Dwarves to come and rescue the Humans wounded the Humans pride somewhat, the newly established Human leadership desperately looking for ways to prove themselves to their northern neighbours.
Details about the Human race, as a playable race beyond the things specific to Oxdara, can be found in the Player's Handbook.
Scientific Name
Talis Sapiens
The Tal
90-100 Years
Average Height
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Human's range in skin tones, from extremely pale, to a dark brown, and all the colours in-between. Though the descendants of the human migrants to Venka tend to be on the lighter side of skin tones, whereas people, especially those in the south of Dragontide tend to be on the darker side of skin tones.   Human hair tones range from blonde, to ginger, to brunette, to black. Though like most species with hair, humans are not unknown to dye their hair a variety of colours.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Related Myths


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