
The God of the Hearth, the Home, and Memory

"Remember what I taught you, little one. The first glass always goes to heartbroken Cuimhne, if you want a warm hearth and a long memory."
— A Mother to their Child at Dinner


Cuimhne is the mother god, holding close the children of Èirigh. As the center of every home, they keep the people of the kingdom warm and dry, cook their food, and offer a caring, nurturing hand to those in need. Taking after their creator, Cuimhne works their loom of memory, tending the ever growing web with a sure hand. For their wisdom, they were entrusted above all gods to keep the history of all things, choosing what can stay and what must go in the minds of all creation.

Cuimhne holds a very special place amongst The High Pantheon of Èirigh, as they are the most common patron amongst the many families, villages, clans, and cities that make up Èirigh. Woven into existence by Cior from the same skein of life as their spouse Fòmhar, Cuimhne shares their title of the gentlest among the gods. For love of Fòmhar's vast creations, Cuimhne bore two children, Teor and Tarr. Together, these powerful water spirits rivaled the strength of Raidhse themself.

This remarkable power, however, would nearly cause the undoing of their entire family. With all the power of the god of war, Raidhse pursued the twins, set on their destruction. So ferocious was Raidhse that after 7 days and nights of raging battle, mighty Fòmhar fell to the ground, bloodied, bruised, and broken. Cuimhne, enraged beyond measure, leapt into action. Before the god of war could deal their final blow, Cuimhne appeared, standing firm between Raidhse and their beloved Fòmhar. In one hand, Cuimhne held a glowing silver thread drawn from their loom -- a thread that held all memory of Raidhse's dearest spouse, Fìrinne. In their other hand, Cuimhne fiercely clutched the fires from every hearth of man. One look at the mother god's fierce gaze was all it took to understand the threat they posed, and Cuimhne was fully prepared to follow through.

For the first and only time in the history of the gods, Raidhse surrendered -- but not before their fearful uisgeach had separated Teor and Tarr from each other and their family, binding them to the land they were created to serve. Heartbroken Cuimhne, for all their power, was helpless but to watch their beloved children from afar.

Worship and Ritual

Many rituals to worship Cuimhne are connected to their lover, Fòmhar, or their children, Teor and Tarr. However, there is one cherished tradition that belongs to Cuimhne alone. The most common ritual performed in all of Èirigh is the dripping of the first glass.

At any meal or gathering, it is customary for the first drink poured to be spilled across the stone hearth as an offering to the god within. This done, you must whisper words of welcome to the flames, inviting dear Cuimhne to join the festivities and forget their grief for a while. To do so is to garner Cuimhne's favor, a blessing that will keep your hearth ever warm and ensure a legacy that lives in on the memory of those you love.

by Andre Govia on Unsplash

See Also

The Many Gods of Èirigh: A Religious Primer
Myth | Dec 28, 2021

A brief overview of the spiritual practices of Èirigh.

Myth | Dec 31, 2021

The god of the harvest, the plants, and medicine.

Cover image: by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash


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Dec 31, 2021 17:24 by TC

That tradition is just impeccable. Honestly really loving how you're going about describing your gods so far, they have so much personality and richness to them. And the fact that the notifications speak of "introduction" leaves me to hope I can learn even more about them!

Creator of Arda Almayed
Apr 2, 2022 19:21 by Maybe Stewart

Thank you so much, TC!

Jan 3, 2022 19:20 by Luca Poddighe

It is impressive how this deity resembles a conjunction between my two deities Danu and Macha. At the same time, though, they are completely different. I loved the first glass tradition!

Apr 2, 2022 19:21 by Maybe Stewart

Thanks Luca! I've always loved seeing how similar deities can be across cultures, both real and imagined!

Apr 2, 2022 13:14 by E. Christopher Clark

There is something so touching about the dripping of the first glass and "inviting dear Cuimhne to join the festivities and forget their grief for a while" brought a tear to my eye. (I'll admit I am a little emotional this morning.)

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Apr 2, 2022 19:22 by Maybe Stewart

Thank you so much, Chris! Cuimhne always hits me in the feels as well.