
The God of the Harvest, the Plants, and Medicine

"Praise Fòmhar, Cuimhne, and the twin rivers, the storm passed us over. I think we’ll make it through alright."
— A Weatherbeaten Farmer


The provider god is a patient one. They bide their time from season to season, nurturing the lands alongside their beloved Cuimhne. Woven from the same skein of life, the love these gods hold for one another is comparable to none, save perhaps that between their parent creators Cior & Cal. For the love of Fòmhar's creations, Cuimhne gave birth to the great twins Teor and Tarr, powerful water spirits in their own right. Their power combined was so great, it threatened the mighty Raidhse, god of the sea and of war.

Blinded by the need to fulfill their impossible task, the god of the sea sought to slay young Teor and Tarr. In an attempt to save them, Fòmhar donned their finest armor and declared war on Raidhse, knowing they had not the might to reign victorious. After 7 days and nights of ruthless fighting, as the god of war's uisgeach closed in on the young twins, Fòmhar fell, too bloodied and wounded to keep their feet.

But before Raidhse could deal the final blow, Cuimhne appeared to them in red hot rage. In one hand, Cuimhne held the single thread containing all memory of Raidhse's lover, Fìrinne. In the other, they held the fires of every hearth of man. Horrified, Raidhse surrendered -- but not before their uisgeach had separated the dear twins, binding them to the earth they served, and severing their connection to one another and their parents.

Fòmhar is the god of second chances, a fierce protector of children, and generally one of the gentlest of the gods -- until you take their gifts for granted. They are the maker of kings and of paupers, whose gifts can make you rich and well, but whose curses can leave you starved, broken, or worse.

Worship and Ritual

Those that take Fòmhar as their patron are often teachers or healers, like Caillte, who care for the wounded, the young, and the innocent.

To ensure a good harvest come Samhain, it is common practice to pick the most brilliant wildflowers of spring and lay them on the hearth. In this way, you serve Fòmhar by delivering their gifts to their lover, and receive their double blessing. Similarly, the first dance of the Festival of Samhain is always set aside to honor Fòmhar and Cuimhne. The finest dancers of each clan, city, village, or settlement adorn themselves with wildflowers and other lovely plants to dance a reel for the gods.

However, the most powerful way to honor the god of the harvest is to treat their children with the care and respect of any other deity. It is common practice for healers to make a yearly pilgrimage to the place where the great twin rivers split, collect a flask of their fresh water, and bring it home. From this flask, two cups are poured -- one to place upon the hearth, and one to place upon a shrine to wounded Fòmhar. Through this act, the family is reunited until the cups have emptied. As thanks for this act of kindness, it is said that Fòmhar will imbue the humble healer's work with a divine power when it is most needed.

by Emma Van Sant on Unsplash

See Also

The Many Gods of Èirigh: A Religious Primer
Myth | Dec 28, 2021

A brief overview of the spiritual practices of Èirigh.

Cover image: by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash


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