The Many Gods of Èirigh: A Religious Primer


While the Kingdom of Èirigh itself is a young one, its people and their legends have existed for almost as long as the land they live upon. To them, the Earth itself is a sacred thing. Everything contains a spirit, from the smallest pebble to the greatest mountain. Even complex concepts, such as love and war, are members of this realm of spirits. 

While every spirit can be worshipped, only those most closely tied to the lives of Èirigh's inhabitants are considered deities. However, those deified spirits often vary vastly from village to village. Many settlements will claim one or two of these higher spirits as their patron, based on their proximity to geographic phenomena, major events in their history, their primary exports, or any number of other influencers. Together, these deified spirits are known as the Old Gods.

Because the deities and worship practices of this land are so broadly varied, it would be nearly impossible to list every god of their rich, vast pantheon. But there are a handful of gods recognized by all that inhabit these lands, known as The High Pantheon. This High Pantheon includes the very gods that formed this land, those that nurture it to this day, and those that govern the most important elements of daily life.

Historical Basis

To the people of Èirigh, the existence of their Kingdom itself is proof that the gods and spirits are real. From the twin river gods Teor and Tarr, who were separated at birth and cried the endless sea into existence to find each other once more, to the warring mountains Sliabh and Cruach, whose eternal war governs the seasons, every inch of this living, breathing landscape is proof that the gods are at work among and around and without mankind. 


Many of the old gods predate the founding of Èirigh, belonging to the indigenous people of the land that now make up the citizenry of the kingdom. Because of this, knowledge of the old gods spans the entirety of Èirigh. However, not every god is worshipped in all places, and some gods are known only to small sects where that particular god is more important -- for example, a village near a small lake may take that lake's spirit as their patron, but few beyond that village would know of this god's existence.

Because of this, the people of Èirigh tend to be rather openminded. It is customary to partake in the traditions of any town or village you come across, such as leaving a small, fitting sacrifice to the patron of the town when you first enter.

Following the treaty with The Kingdom of Coimeádach, belief in the old gods is no longer the sole religion in the kingdom. The clash of Coimeádach's more conservative, monotheistic beliefs has at times lead to tension between the kingdoms, but has not affected either kingdom's core beliefs.

Variations & Mutation

Because the old gods are primarily identified as the spirit dwelling within natural phenomena and large concepts of the human psyche, there are many lesser gods that hold countless names and associations. While the uniting of the kingdom has unified the names of many gods in the High Pantheon, such as Cior and Cal, some cling to the names that have been passed down in their region for countless generations. Lesser gods, such as the spirits that dwell in local flora and fauna, may have different regional names and associations nearly everywhere they can be found. 

by Ali Elliott on Unsplash

Cover image: by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash


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Apr 2, 2022 13:01 by E. Christopher Clark

I've had a bunch of your articles saved up in my Reading List to read and I was having a rough morning this morning, so I decided a trip into the lands of Outspoken was just what I needed. Thank you for your writing, which is putting my nervous mind at ease today.

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Apr 2, 2022 19:20 by Maybe Stewart

Oh Chris, that's so kind of you. I'm glad my world could offer some solace for you. <3