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World History: Major Events

PC Era (Pre-Chaos)

... 0 BC

  • 1001 PC

    God Creation Myth
  • 3416 PC

    3437 PC

    City of Quartz Creation
    Population Migration / Travel

    The creation of the City of Quartz to protect the lesser races from the surrounding chaos and war.

    More reading
    City of Quartz
  • 3887 PC

    3887 PC

    Expulsion from the City of Quartz
    Population Migration / Travel

    A loss of faith weakened Orlos and he expelled them into the chaos, where the magic and chemicals in the environment tore many of them apart and warped them into new beings.

    More reading
    City of Quartz
  • 3996 PC

    Rise of the Alliges Dominion
    Political event

    The start of the Alliges Dominion as they begin to gather in clans throughout the continent.

    More reading
    The Alliges Dominion
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AC Era (After Chaos)

0 BC 2968 AC

After the Chaos settled down, life once again could thrive.

  • 1 AC

    849 AC

    Empire of the Giants
    Political event

    The Giants gain initial control of ______. They were the strongest group and managed to subjugate all of the others for centuries. The Kingdom collapsed after the eruption of Zargolith.

  • 176 AC

    176 AC


    First Migration from the Alliges Dominion
    Population Migration / Travel

    A group of littlefolk managed to escape from the Alliges Dominion in 176 AC. Over 1000 elves and halflings escaped on 36 ships, 24 of which reached the continent of Novalter.

    More reading
    The Alliges Dominion
    Additional timelines
  • 403 AC

    Festival of the Gods
    403 AC

    Festival of the Gods

    Second Migration for the Giant Kingdom
    Population Migration / Travel

    This was the second wave of departures, occurring in 403 AC. A civil war between several of the giant nations created enough chaos for a group of humans and half-elves to break free. Together they managed to construct hastily built boats and escape east to Tangearin and Madaitas.

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  • 700 AC

    709 AC

    Initial Expansion of the Amiro Empire
    Military action

    The first conquest of the Amiro Empire, invading its neighboring state of ______.

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  • 731 AC

    1 Festival of the Gods

    Declaration of the Amiro Empire

    The Amiro Empire was officially declared on this day, uniting all of the land captured in the surrounding region under the name of the Amiro Empire.

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  • 763 AC

    763 AC


    Third Migration from the Giant Kingdom
    Population Migration / Travel

    The third and final major migration occurred in 763 AC. A group of Gnomes, Halflings, and Dwarves, using material salvaged at their work camp, managed to break free on a mechanical and magical ship. They reached the continent of Madaitas.

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  • 848 AC

    853 AC

    Eruption of Zargolith
    Geological / environmental event

    Zargolith as it is known in the Draconic tongue, is and was a super volcano located on the continent of Highdranus. In 848 it erupted, spewing thousands of kilograms of ash into the skies and lava onto the continent. The dragon born that could flee did so, leaving their continent for new lands oversea. Those that could not either had to adapt or die.   The ash spread by the volcano darken the skies in most other continents on Orlos and had drastic effects on many empires.

    More reading
    Eruption of Zargolith
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  • 848 AC

    849 AC

    Flight of the Dragons
    Population Migration / Travel

    The draconic population of Highdranus fled the eruption of Zargolith, wreaking destruction on the nations and societies that tried to oppose them.

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  • 1433 AC

    1439 AC


    First Amiro Civil War

    A revolt by the warlords of the Amiro empire brutally put down.

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  • 1647 AC

    31 Festival of the Gods
    1647 AC

    2 Andormoln

    Battle of Orlo's Hand
    Military action

    The lich Arcalturn of the Cult of the Black Bone, using prisoners taken from the nearby goblin, human, and dwarven civilizations was attempting to create an undead army fueled by Orlo's Hand. The townsfolk rebelled and managed to drive him off and destroy his minions.

    Orlo's Hand
    More reading
    Darnal Valley Region
    Additional timelines