Eruption of Zargolith Physical / Metaphysical Law in Orlos | World Anvil
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Eruption of Zargolith

For a whole six months the skies to the north glowed red, a clear sign of the devastation that had occurred.  
As recorded in Allanor's History of Orlos
  There are no first hand accounts of the eruption of Zargolith. However, the secondhand accounts provide a multitude of sources. The fiery ball of flame that rose into the sky. The orange glow spreading through the atmosphere. The bang of the explosion. The rolling cloud of black smoke and ash. The details all tend to be the same with the effects covering oceans and continents across the entire planet.  
The ground had been rumbling for weeksss, progressively getting worssse. We knew sssomething big was coming. Ssso we took sship and ssset sssail. Dragor wasss ssstill half populated when we left. We barely essscaped the ssstorm. Ash burnt our sssailsss and sssicknessss of the lungsss hung for weeksss.  
Account of Dranoc, Captain of   the Dragon's Breath

Cover image: by Yosh Ginsu


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