Lucina te-Danu Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Lucina te-Danu

Lucina te-Danu, better known by her title Prima Lucina, is an Aasimar priestess. She is the head of the Eldanír-in-Danu temple to the goddess Danu.  



Lucina has pale skin and short platinum hair, which she often wears covered by an old-fashioned habit veil. She is 6'4" and fairly physically fit for her age.  


Lucina seems standoffish and cold to many of those who first meet her, particularly those outside the holy orders of the Wild Dynasty. Though she is practical, reserved, and cautious to a fault, she is not cruel or unfeeling (as some disgruntled rivals have accused her of being). She is quick to dismiss or distance herself from those she does not believe share her values, but slow to true anger unless she believes her religion and its people are being put in danger.  


Lucina is equally skilled as a Warrior Monk and as a Cleric, a rare combination among the worshippers of the Wild Dynasty currently shared only by her sister Iti te-Morigana. (Her other sister, Enheduanna, shares her skill set and training, but left the service of the Wild Dynasty to worship Hildegard.)  


Early Life and Education

Lucina te-Danu was born to Prima Heloise and Father Abelard of Threnlíla-in-Lugos, as one of the fabled Triplets of Threnlíla. She studied as a monk of Lugos, but took additional coursework in the clerical arts with special permission from the elders.  


Lucina graduated from Threnlíla beside her sister Iti in Y604. Neither sister felt a strong pull to remain devoted exclusively to Lugos, so with the blessing of their parents, they decided to spend the next century traveling across Scalados, healing the sick and studying at each of the other five major temples in order to find their calling.   While Iti was fascinated with the spiritual practices of the secretive Moriganians, Lucina felt that her strongest spiritual connection on the journey was to the land itself. She reluctantly parted ways with her sister and began service as assistant to the head theologian at Eldanír-in-Danu. The two continue to keep up as much correspondence as the vast distance between them allows.  

Appointment as Prima

In Y748, Valòmar Onimaru and Prima Kinu te-Danu were both removed from their positions, after the Circle of Five found that Onimaru's negligence (and his secret affair with Prima Kinu) had displeased the Wild Gods enough to trigger the wildfires that devastated middle Scalados in Y743. The elders of Eldanír-in-Danu quickly appointed Lucina to the position of Prima, in the hopes that her exalted birth and pristine reputation would save the temple from complete disgrace. She was the youngest person ever appointed Prima, at 244 years old. Lucina has served honorably in the position ever since.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
504 Y 607 Years old
Current Residence
Related Myths
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Ali


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