Ann Trulove Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Ann Trulove

Ann Trulove is a Human Adventurer from Drakesland Wharf who traveled with the Battalion of Degenerates. Notably, she is the only member of the battalion that did not die at any point in their adventures.  

Ann Trulove

Medium human, rogue, Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 60
Speed: 40 ft


( -1 )


( +4 )


( +1 )


( +2 )


( +0 )


( +2 )

Saving Throws Dexterity +8, Intelligence +7
Skills Deception +10, Insight +4, Perception +8, Persuasion +6, Religion +7, Sleight of Hand +12, Stealth +12
Senses Passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Celestial, Infernal
Proficiency Bonus +4

Cunning Action. On her turn in combat, Ann can take the Dash, Disengage, Help, or Hide action as a bonus action. She can also use a bonus action to make an Investigation (INT) or Perception (WIS) check.   Mobile. When Ann uses the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn't cost extra movement on that turn. When Ann makes a melee attack against a creature, she doesn't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.   Maneuverable. Ann can use one extra "Maneuver" ability per turn without using her reaction.   Evasion. When Ann is subjected to an effect that allows her to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, she instead takes no damage if she succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if she failed. She doesn't benefit from this feature while incapacitated.   Inspiring Help. When Ann takes the Help action, its range is 30 ft., and the creature who receives the help also gains a 1d6 bonus to the d20 roll. If that roll is an attack roll, the creature can forgo adding the bonus to it, and then if the attack hits, the creature can add the bonus to the attack's damage roll against one target.


Shortsword +1. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+4 piercing damage. If Ann has advantage on the attack or has an ally adjacent to the target and doesn't have disadvantage, she adds 9d6 to the attack's damage.   Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4+3 piercing damage. If Ann has advantage on the attack or has an ally adjacent to the target and doesn't have disadvantage, she adds 9d6 to the attack's damage.


Catapult Jump (Maneuver). When an ally within 5 feet of Ann and weighing less than 240 lbs. jumps, she can use her reaction to launch them further. The distance they are able to jump doubles, and every 2 feet of movement during their jump costs only 1 foot.   Diversion (Maneuver). After an ally Ann can see or hear hits a creature within 5 feet of her with a melee weapon attack, she can move up to half her speed as a reaction. The target of the attack can't use their reaction to make an opportunity attack against Ann.   Get Down (Maneuver). When Ann and an ally within 5 feet both make a DEX save to take only half damage from an effect or spell, she can use her reaction to cause the friendly creature to take only the same amount of damage that she does.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ann is a petite young woman with pale, freckled skin and long red hair she keeps tied back. She prefers to wear dark, practical clothing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ann is the daughter of Arthur Trulove and Vera Trulove, though the latter abandoned her at a young age. She was raised on Isle Machmorraig and heavily involved with her father's church, the Order of the Two Daughters. She spent much of her time with the other acolyte her age, Sasha Haderaa, and at the Fiend's Bane Guildhall.   When left unsupervised, Ann tended to cause trouble for the elder members of Fiend's Bane and for the town of Drakesland Wharf in general. She became talented at sneaking in and out of buildings, picking locks, and stealing objects and substituting them with humorous replacements.  
"Who knew stuffy old Arthur would raise such a spitfire? I leave my satchel untended for five minutes to bid my compatriots farewell, and next thing I know she's replaced my scrying orb with a small melon. The worst of it is, I didn't notice until I'd already apparated back to the university. She'll be trouble someday; we can only hope it's good trouble." —Faedor
  In early summer Y1110, Ann and Sasha secretly sailed away from Drakesland Wharf to visit their mutual friend Zoë Fiensbane in Urbana al-Sona. Here, Ann began a romantic relationship with a Moon Elf named Tom Rakewell.


regrettably straight
Date of Birth
19 November Y1092
Year of Birth
1092 Y 19 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale, freckled
Aligned Organization
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