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Order of the Two Daughters

The Order of the Two Daughters is a religion devoted to the worship of Niàngi and Niùe, the goddesses of the tide and moon respectively and the last two daughters of Fricka.


The Order is currently led by Cleric and retired fiend-slayer Arthur Trulove, who still works closely with the village guard on Isle Machmorraig as part of his duties as a peacekeeper.

Mythology & Lore

Niàngi and Niùe are the youngest daughters of Fricka and the youngest known gods, born sometime around Y88 of the Age of Complexity. She did not bear these children with Gnotan; rather, she called them forth from the winds at the surface of the sea, shaping them out of seafoam, sand, and lullabies. Unlike the other gods, they were brought forth as children who slowly grew as the mortals did. They were hers to raise and love alone.   As the daughters grew, they sometimes fought for control. Niàngi, the older, would trick her younger sister in various ways. But the two loved each other dearly, nonetheless. Eventually, Fricka granted the two control over small parts of nature in order to keep them out of trouble: Niùe would be the guardian over the moon, and Niàngi would be shepherdess of the tides. They used these powers, too, to provoke each other, on occasion-- but the regularity of the phases of the moon controlled the then-boisterous tides, and the ever-present lapping of the waves kept the oft-wandering moon hung in its place in the heavens. Each sister watched the other, each trying to ensure the other stayed in her place.   One day, though, Niàngi tricked Niùe into chasing after the moon during the day. "The mortals can only see it at night," she said. "But how do you know it stays on its course while the sun is out?"   So Niùe chased after the wandering moon, and while she was gone Niàngi let the tides engulf the land. People and creatures suffered. Low shores were cleared of their fertile soil, becoming barren beaches and submerged swamps. Islands sank forever into the sea. The mortals and the gods both demanded justice.   So Niàngi was summoned before the court of the Young Dynasty to face punishment. But Niùe, who understood what happened, refused to testify against her beloved sister. She tried to take the blame, though it was clear she was innocent.   The trial lasted years. Gods argued back and forth over what Niàngi's punishment should be. Should she be separated from her powers? Punished like the Titans, even? Or was her sister's protection enough to absolve her crimes? Should Niùe be punished for trying to obstruct justice to save her twin?   Finally, the bailiffs (the Celestial Aziraphale and the demon Crowley) proposed a solution. Both sisters would be allowed to keep their posts, but tethered to them-- and to each other. The moon and tide would work in lockstep for eternity, as would their guardians.   Hence the Order of the Two Daughters was set up by the bailiffs as a peacekeeping entity, splitting time, attention, and devotion equally between the two young goddesses so that neither would ever become jealous of the other again.
Founding Date
Y210 CPX
Religious, Holy Order


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