Session 16 - The Voyage Home - Demons versus Devils and Goodbyes Report in Oerth | World Anvil

Session 16 - The Voyage Home - Demons versus Devils and Goodbyes

General Summary

Sunday 2 Ready'reat (continued)

  While the party collects coins from the seabed, Mina recognizes the sketch of Demogorgon and understands that this along with the skulls is an underwater altar to the Prince of Demons. Mina shares, "Demogorgon is a monstrous demon. It stands Eighteen feet tall and appears as an amphibious reptile in a vaguely human form. Its two arms taper out into long whip-like tentacles from a furry body atop it's scaly legs that end with razor-sharp claws. Twin baboon heads sit atop snake-like necks and constantly strive for dominance."   While Mina describes the Demogorgon, Kyra picks up a skull from the make-shift altar and rotates it around within her hands. As she imagines how skin would be covering the structures of the skull, recognition dawns and she exclaims, "This decayed skull is from a Sea Devil! A sahuagin! They all are! Why would these creatures have sahuagin skulls at their altar?"   Upon that revelation, Karia's face goes blank for just a moment before she shares, "I just had a flashback memory! A very pale elf was bouncing me on my knee while telling me that the demon gods are unlike gods of the surface people. The demon gods war with other demons and devils. He was sure that if all of the demons could unite behind one, then the surface world would perish!"   Mina muses for a moment before adding, "If I'm recalling correctly, Demogorgon wars primarily with two other demons named, Orcus and Graz'zt, but his most hated foe is a devil god that claims the seas as his. And now that I'm thinking on it, there are scriptures that state the Abyss constantly wars with itself between realms and all along the river Styx that traverses several planes including the Nine Hells and ours, the Prime Material plane."   Recognition flashes across Leeroy as he speaks up, "When I was younger back in the Pale, I'd travel into the underdark where some dwellers set up trade with surface folk, like myself, The would describe Orcus as roughly humanoid with the head and legs of a goat, bat-like wings on a bloated body, and a whip-like tail. These merchants would always provide him a token sacrifice as they left to prevent encounters with the undead."   "In addition," continues Leeroy, "they said that Graz'zt was an extremely cunning demon prince that would seduce innocent wives within the underdark. He was supposedly nine feet tall and would appear as a lithe muscular humanoid. His skin shone like polished obsidian with eyes that glittered with malevolent green light. One story of him talked about a time when he was trapped on the Oerth and seduced the great enchantress, Igglwilv. Their offspring, a cambion, reportedly still rules an empire up north."   Turning away from the inscription, Mina uses her divine energies to summon a spiritual weapon in the shape of a net that she moves along the seabed to scoop up a few hundred silver and copper coins. Feeling the clock ticking on their ability to breath water, the party looks for an alternate exit, but only finds a few cracks where light streams through, so they head back the way they came into the cavern. Swimming through the tunnel back to the clawed out hole in the stern of the ship. As Mina enters into the hold, she sees shadows swimming approaching the stern and yells a warning as she moves forward to engage.   Leeroy moves toward the front of the hold positioning himself between the entrance and the party. As two reef sharks and five sahuagin come into view and rush toward Leeroy. Mina and Karia move forward into battle while Kyra and Nar snipe from the edges. Within the chaos of battle, Nar's arrow splits open a bleeding shark while a sahuagin fails to claw Mina. The sahuagin champion, in an unintelligible language, challenges Leeroy. Leeroy roars back at the monstrous sharkman while cleaving through the remaining shark.   A sahuagin priestess conjures a spiritual weapon resembling a trident that flanks Leeroy while also focusing on her obvious rival Mina. They trade blows before Mina steps forward choking the priestess while pouring divine energy into inflicting wounds on her.   With the other sahuagin down, Leeroy squares off with the champion as Karia flanks behind it. The champion thrusts his spear at Leeroy, but Leeroy quickly slaps the spear out of the champions hands and ripostes the blade into the champion. The champion rapidly bites and claws at Leeroy knocking him to the seabed.   Mina quickly reaches for her faith in Istus stablizing Leeroy while Nar lands an arrow against the champion. Standing from her hiding spot, Nar mimes killing the champion who breaks from combat and swims back the way he came. The party quickly searches the remaining bodies of the sahuagin finding a mix of copper, silver, and gold coins in pouches.   Running short on time, the party swims upward toward the surface. Several minutes pass with the clock ticking down on the effects of their water breathing potions, when they finally break above the waterline. As they stalk onto the beach they notice something's amiss. Quickly, they realize that Krichelle and her brothers are no where to be seen, along with the jolly boat that they were guarding. Kyra vents, "I knew we should've left someone here to watch them!"   Karia flips the hood up on her arcane manta ray cloak and rapidly swims against the surf toward the Friending Boatship so that another jolly boat can retrieve the party. Once aboard, the ship sets sail back to Saltmarsh with the party resuming their normal shipboard duties.  

Starday 8 Ready'reat

  As the sun rises on the sixth day, the Friending Boatship finds itself docking within the Saltmarsh harbor. The party disembarks while the crew secures the ship behind them. Making their way toward The Snapping Line the party passes The Dwarven Anvil as Mafera struggles to open the doors.   The party pauses, as Karia and Mina assist Mafera at forcing the door open. Stepping inside the shop, they can tell that the door was hastily barricaded with various bits of metal ingots and pipes. Interrupting their inspection, Mafera suddenly shouts, "It's gone!"   Karia responds, "What's gone? Were you robbed?"   "Worse!" exclaims Mafera, "They've effectively taken my life! My anvil is missing."   Mina asks, "Is it so hard to get a new anvil?"   "My anvil was dwarven made, hence the name of my shop," Mafera explains. "It's properties are among the finest of all anvils."   Interrupting the conversation, a runner approaches the party breathlessly stating, "The council heard of your arrival and requests your immediate presence. Particularly you Leeroy."  
Mina and Karia elect to stay behind to help Mafera asses her shop while the rest of the party resumes their walk up the street toward the Council Hall. Upon entering the council chamber, a very somber Capt. Fireborn extends a letter while stating, "I'm sorry Leeroy. Your mother has some disturbing news for you."   Leeroy quickly reads the letter as his face goes ashen. He looks up at the party and speaks devoid of feeling, "I need to go home. I guess this is goodbye for me."   The letter falls from his hands as Councillor Solmor - played by Nancy addresses him, "Mr. Bearbreaker, you're from the Theocracy of the Pale. Is that correct?" Upon confirmation, he continues, "I have a ship leaving in the morning for Trigol in the County of Urnst. If this helps with your travels, we can accommodate you. No charge of course. It won't get you all the home, but that does get you through the Nyr Dyv and well on your way. In addition, the council greatly appreciates the services you have performed over this last year and we have a small token of appreciation."  
Leeroy looks up and takes the certificate stating, "That's very kind. It's been an honor. I'll be ready by the morning tide and I appreciate your generosity." Leeroy starts hugging each of the party members as he says personal goodbyes.     Fireborn asks for Mina and dispatches a runner upon learning she stayed at the Dwarven Anvil. As the group waits for Mina to arrive Leeroy shares that his father's suffered some form of accident and has been brought home in a state closer to death than life. He needs to return back to the farm to help manage it.   Back at The Dwarven Anvil, Mina and Karia continue to investigate the shop. Seeing an open skylight above, Mina asks, "Do you tend to leave access to the roof open?"   Mafera glares while responding, "Everyday we have a checklist on securing the shop. The sky lights are step 3 and step 12. There's no way we left the skylight open." Under her breathe she continues, "Damn dwarves have finally done it."   Suddenly, the council messenger dashes into the shop, "Mina?" he shouts. Seeing her nod, he continues, "Your presence was requested by the council. Why didn't you come?"   Mina sighs and states, "You only mentioned Leeroy. I'm not him. Alright, let's go." Mina and Karia head toward council hall.   Mina and Karia arrives a few minutes later and Fireborn calls upon Councillor Primewater - played by Adam, "Would you like to introduce our guest Councillor?"   Primewater clears his throat before announcing, "During my lavish dinner engagement, I noticed that you made a connection with a representative of the Glory of the Celestial Fates Monastery. As such, I've managed her journey back to Saltmarsh after hearing about that ugly business with the octopus and being swept away by a storm. May I present again the august Seeress Reginald."   As his words fade away, a tall lady with a hawk-like nose and piercing eyes enters from the hallway. She sweeps into the chamber in silken dark grey dress with a golden spindle medallion hanging down low on her chest and greets Mina, "Ah dear child, it is such a pleasure to see you again. I knew last time that you were important to us as you walk within the Will of Istus into the tides of Chaos. Long have you been a beacon to our order and it was confirmed when I heard that you brought the Sea Ghost into the Saltmarsh harbor. When we met on Brewfest, I knew that it was not time yet as you had not faced the beast from the depths, but now you have and Procan guided you to shores far from here. The portents have been fulfilled. All of that had to occur before I could offer you what I offer now. My dear, how would you like to come study at our monastery? You'll first need to study with us and become a full member, but we see greatness ahead of you and feel you could help us learn about the ways of chaos and how Istus guides even through those tempestuous currents."   Surprise and shock flashes across Mina's face before responding, "My that is wonderful! I think I would love that! Besides studying Istus, what does the monastery do?"   Seeress Reginald answers, "We consult with King Skotti by interpreting portents and omens that affect Keoland. We also educate teens for noble families."   "That sounds interesting," responds Mina, "What do we need to do to begin?"   "First you must decide that you want to join us" Seeress Reginald states, "Then we will board a ship to Gradsul this afternoon. Once we arrive there, we will switch to a riverboat and head up the Sheldomar river to Segor before traversing to the monastery on the shorts of Lake Athel near Laketowne. Plus we must cover your onboarding costs, things like room and board as well as study time, which would be a thousand gold."   Mina pats her pouches calculating if she has the gold on her when Primewater booms out, "Long have I held that education and culture are important facets of life. How could I not sponsor such a spiritual journey for one as fine as Mina Raijin." Upon completing this speech he casually tosses out a bag with gold coins onto the council's table.   Mina broadly smiles and states, "That is very kind of your councillor." Turning to Seeress Reginald she continues, "I accept!" As she finishes her acceptance, for just a moment her face goes slack and her eyes lose focus. Then a second later she lights up with excitement, "My friends, I've just been given the greatest pleasure. I've had a vision of my goddess, Istus. I know I have chosen my correct path now."   Kyra looks at her, "Are you high?"   Mina glowing responds, "Of course! I'm high on Istus!"  
Capt Fireborn speaks up, "Mina Raijin, we, the council, have greatly appreciated your dedication to our town. Like your compatriot Leeroy, we have a small token of that appreciation for you." Fireborn passes a similar certificate to Mina across the table. "We wish the best to both you and Leeroy on your respective journeys."     Suddenly, the council chamber doors burst open as a tall man dressed in morning robes rushes into the room. "Do you have it?" he shouts. When no one immediately responds, he shouts again, "Do you have my chest?!"   Leeroy moves over to Aubreck, "You should calm down. Being this aggressive doesn't help your effort."   Aubreck sighs and tries again, "You're right, but it's been a rough week. The Soul of Winter arrived over a week ago and Capt Windrune explained how you liberated the Emperor of the Waves, brought my chest onto his ship and was then attacked by Sea Princes. You managed to take their ship and then on the way home a freak storm blew the two ships off course. They hadn't seen you since the storm and my emotions are just raw at this point. I apologize. However, do you have the chest?"   Karia pipes up, "Sure! It's right here." She reaches into her magical imbued bag of holding. Fishing around for a bit, "hmm. I know it's here somewhere." and watches as Aubreck's face goes ashen. "Oh! There it is! I see the blue glint of metal. Leeroy can you give me a hand?" Together they squeeze it out the bag's opening and set it down on the floor.   Aubreck sighs, "Thank you. I'll need to start liquidating the notes in there before I can compensate you, but I do greatly appreciate your efforts on returning this to me." He snaps and two burly men step inside to lift the chest as all three depart the room.   Fireborn speaks up, "It seems our business today is complete. Thank you and safe journeys to you, Leeroy and Mina."   While Mina and Leeroy return to the Snapping Line, the rest of the party heads back to the Dwarven Anvil finding Mafera still cataloguing inventory. Upon returning, Karia inquires, "Why do you think it was dwarves? Is there history regarding this?"   "Yes," Mafera explains, "When Copperlocks brought in her crew to work the mine, they saw my glorious anvil and recognized it as one of fine dwarven craftsmanship. They look at me and feel that I must have stolen it and therefore it shouldn't belong to someone like me."   "Like you?" quizzes Karia, "What do you mean?"   "Human" Mafera flatly responds.   Nar pipes up indignantly, "That's racist! Why would anyone be like that?"   Both Karia and Kyra just stare at Nar in disbelief.   Kyra activates her boots flying up to the roof. Starting at the skylight, she sees heavy boot prints and deep groove that moves away from the opening and towards the west side of the roof. She can tell by the stride of the prints that these persons taller than Nar but shorter than herself. As she reaches the building's edge, she flies down to the street where the tracks have been obliterated by the morning traffic.

Rewards Granted

Experience Points:
Total xp 1650 = 330 xp/player

  Treasure Found:
23 cp coins
19 sp coins
25 gp coins

Missions/Quests Completed

Encountered Sahuagin raiding party
Bid Leeroy and Mina goodbye
Investigate missing anvil


Experience Points calculation: 

2 Reef Sharks                100 xp/ea = 200 xp
3 Sahuagin                    100 xp/ea = 300 xp
1 Sahuagin Priestess      450 xp/ea = 450 xp
1 Sahuagin Champion    700 xp/ea = 700 xp

Total xp = 1650 /5 players = 330 xp/player

Secrets of the Saltmarsh
Report Date
02 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location