Istus Character in Oerth | World Anvil

Istus (IS-tus)

Istus, Lady of Our Fate, the Colorless and All-Colored, remains one of the greatest deities of the Flanaess. She originated among the Baklunish, but because her focus is on the fate of the universe and all of its inhabitants, she holds herself aloof and apart from all other gods, including the other Baklunish deities. She sees how the threads of time connect all things. While a person can push and pull against them, Istus knows that the threads of fate have an unyielding pull that cannot be escaped.   Depicted in three avatars, she can be an old crone, a mature and haughty noble dame, or as a cold unfeeling shepherd maiden. All aspects carry her gold spindle of fate.

Divine Domains



Spindle of Fate

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Golden Spindle

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The lady of many faces has as many forms as threads of fate. Sometimes she will appear as a noble dame. Other times she might appear as a young shepherdess or as an old crone. Followers will know her by her Spindle of Fate that she always carries.
Divine Classification
Greater Goddess