Council Hall Building / Landmark in Oerth | World Anvil

Council Hall

Right next to the The Snapping Line, this large, single-story brick building functions as the nerve center of the town's government. The hall, built from sturdy, nearby cliff stone and Hool Marsh hardwood, contains the offices of the town council and the large assembly room where they discuss business. A wooden sign depicting a net filled with fish dangles above double doors leading into the hall. A small tower rises above the hall on the back corner and houses a horn that blows to signal the commencement of special events, including council meetings. Inside the hall, there are offices for each council member and a large chamber used to discuss town business. Most visitors are brought directly into this chamber.   In front of the building sits a weather-beaten but sturdy platform and gallows as an execution site. Although rare, these events draw a large crowd.
Government complex
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