World Ember 2021 Reading - ENG in Noevalne | World Anvil
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World Ember 2021 Reading - ENG

Amazing Articles

Some articles that stood out when reading through my notifications, in no paticular order. Note that there are many more to read for me, and many others that were really good - this is only a small selection of those I got to read so far.  
The Frog Parade, by Kefkejaco: A fun yet strange tradition based on a myth about frogs and a prophecy that gives great characterization to the culture.   Reading this made it clear to me, that I need more depth in my world, certain local pecularities that breathe some more life in my world.

The Waif, by Imoen Kim: I love deadly creatures, with all their viciousness - reading about them, not meeting them in person.   I want more monsters and beasts for my world, there never can be enough really.

The Dazzloncat, by Tillerz: I appreciate the articles of Tillerz because they are typically short, yet express so much. What sold this article in particular to me is probably the cute picture - invoking the power of the cat is almost cheating, really.   I want to improve my wording to be similarly consise and expressive.

The Whipper, by Sh4d0wPh03n1x: Whippopotamus, Whippersnapper, whippermazing! Big creatures, smack others with their beard when upset, they also have their own little mushroom companions.   Additionally to more monsters, I still need more other species in my world. Biodiversity, yay! And they can be fierce without being beasts, designed by evil.

New Shores

The articles that catch my attention tend to be from a small set of relatively well-known writers. That is why I chose to specifically pick out some I had not yet read something from yet.
Ogren's Deadlands , by Ganzlapp: A relatively short article breathing live - metaphorically - into a desolate wasteland.   I find my descriptions, in particular those of locations, lacking of life. This article reminded me that this is something I want to focus on improving next.

Soul Weaver, by Tatze: A profession enabling to revive living beings, with a peek into their work place, career progression and tools required.   What I found inspiring in this article is the different perspectives it looked at the profession, in a sense quite pragmatically. Even a magic profession needs things to work after all.
Volk, by Mimoria: A fearsome beast. I love the introduction paragraph in particular.   Here I found the language in the introduction inspiring, it is just so vivid. I still have much to learn as a writer.
How Raven Stole the Sun, by Tzaritsa : I love a good myth, and this one even has a raven!   Myths are so much fun, and reading a good one is always inspiring. So, more myths for the world, please.

German Articles

As someone who writes in mostly German, I would like to also advertise some other German writers.  
The Chrononit, by CSor96: A metal, powerful, dangerous and precious - gruesome myth about its origins included.   This material made me think again about the basics, that can shape a world. A deeper look in the resources available and the consequences can help flesh things out.
Grietore, by Nightone: Flying lizards with sharp teeth that serve as mounts for goblins and the like. For this article I love the details, bringing the creatures to live.   It seems to be the details that stick to your memory. So, I want to think about one or two special properties to sneak into each piece of worldbuilding from now on.
And finally a bit of self-advertising: If you would like to read my World Ember 2021 articles (German) you can find them here.  

New Year Resolutions

Considering the challenges I will face outside of writing this year, I do not want to be harsh on myself in the creative area.   I plan to stadily invest some time into creative endeavours, but not push myself to write 'new' things - of course I still love when I get ideas that want to be written. Therefore, I want to edit articles, maybe paint more for a while, and write a bit for the trash bin with a focus on improving certain aspects of my writing.   And most of all: I am writing for fun, so I hereby pledge to pursue 'fun' with my writing.
— Ilmaine

Cover image: Placeholder: Marels Alptraum by Ilmaine


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