Atlinthaia Organization in Nideon | World Anvil
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Atlinthaia (at-lin-THIGH-uh)

Atlinthaia is a country in the northwest of the Southern Continent. It borders Ethion to the west and Xye to the south and east.


The earliest records of people living in Atlinthaia date back to a 6th century settlement of Mermish nature worshippers. This early settlement had an oligarchic government made of seven family matriarchs. A heavily agrarian society, it maintained extensive trade with Brek and the Southern Islands. Though it was a Brekkan colony, it did fly its own flag, which records show was designed by the son of one of the oligarchs.
By the end of the 6th century, the Atlinthaians had expanded further inland. Records from 568 show that the Atlinthaians had built more settlements around the Wailing Chasm, which they called Crow Canyon, named after the Atlinthaian goddess of death, who typically took the form of a crow. The Athlinthaians believed her spirit lived in the canyon, and revered the area.

Crash of the Defiant

In 653, the wreck of the ship Defiant brought Xurugwi travelers to Atlinthaia. While there was an initial tension between the two groups, the oligarchy agreed that the newcomers be allowed to stay, under the condition that they agree to follow the Atlinthaian faith. Certain aspects of the Xurguwi religion, such as funeral rites and outdoor worship, made integration into the Atlinthaian faith relatively simple, and over time, the two religions began to merge, with the first documented marriage between the two groups occurring in 700, and the first Xurugwi temple built a century later.

Thisaazhou Trade

Though the Thisaazhou were likely trading in Atlinthaia as early as the 6th century, it was in the 8th century that such trade truly began to flourish. It is probable that repealing the law that punished those not following the state religion had an effect on this. Until this time, Altinthaians primarily traded with Brek and the Southern Islands via water routes. But the Thisaazhou brought them a way to trade over land, with Diamondheart in the east. Particularly appealing to Atlinthaians were dragon made goods. In turn, this gave the Thisaazhou connection to Brekkan commerce, and some anthropologists suggest it was these early interactions that transformed the Thisaazhou from nomads, living off the land, into traders.


In 1013, the Brekkan government granted Atlinthaia independence, though the southern country did not ask for it. Letters to and from Atlinthaian officials claim that the reason for the severance was Brek's desire to trade directly with the Thisaazhou, which could not be done under the original terms set forth with the Atlinthaian government. Other documents, however, indicate more complicated reasons. It is likely the Brekkan government feared a war with Diamondheart and did not have the money to defend Atlinthaia. This would explain why the Brekkan government refused to negotiate a new deal, which would have allowed Brek to open other trade routes, while still requiring it to offer protection to Atlinthaia.
It seems the Brekkan government's fears weren't for nothing, as the first conflict between Atlinthaia and Diamondheart began only thirty years later. It is possible, however, that in cutting ties with Atlinthaia, the Brekkan government sped up the process, as it was in seeking trade with the Minor Continent that Atlinthaia ran afoul of Diamondheart's navy. This led to a more than fifty year religious conflict between the two countries, fought mainly at sea.

A New Government

In 1119, a new government was formed to rule what was now the country of Atlinthaia. The area was divided into seven districts, for each of the seven noble families. Each family was required to send one person to serve on the National Council, which would, from its own members, elect a head of state. Each family would also select a second person to serve as the head of their district council, which would be made of representatives chosen from town councils. The first queen of Atlinthaia was Keeva, of the Black Family. Seeing the number of her people who had been forcibly converted in the attacks led by Admiral Verti of Diamondheart, she convinced the National Council that a return to tradition was necessary and tried to implement the old Atlinthaian faith as a state religion. The religion had already evolved so much by this time, however, that it was a lost cause. Nevertheless, it ushered in a new period of Atlinthaian nationalism, and the next few centuries saw a boom in eastward expansion, as well as cultural growth.
Though the rule regarding the state religion soon relaxed, by 1290, the country stretched to what is now Xye's eastern border. Two more districts were added to the country, with two additional seats on the National Council, both held by Een families. Trade with the Thisaazhou also continued to expand into thread and fabrics. Some Atlinthaians were even invited into song circles, becoming Thisaazhou in their own right. In 1320, Tinreig Metakat published A History of the Thisaazhou People. This was 200 years before Marcus and Laura Pfieffer would take their own famous journeys, and Metakat's book is still considered by the Thisaazhou to be the most thorough and accurate documentation of their society.

The Southern Conflict

Prosperity was not to last, however. In the 16th century, the Southern Conflict began, and Atlinthaia once again found itself embroiled in a religious war with Diamondheart. First, Diamondheart attacked its major port cities and, once trade was disrupted, chipped away at Atlinthaia's interior. By 1607, the entire country had been annexed. During this period, Een was the religion of the state. Criticism of the new government or any form of protesting was outlawed.
In 1668, with the end of the Southern Conflict, Atlinthaia once again received its independence. With new borders being drawn, it returned to its original seven districts. Though there was some debate in the search of the descendants of the seven founding families, the country's leaders were eventually selected to satisfaction. There was also some fear in 1704, when the king died, that someone would try to take the throne before the council could be convened and a new king chosen, but this did not take place. The entirety of Atlinthaia's place in the Southern Conflict, up to this shift of power was documented in the epic poem The Revolution, written by Datia Detyn.

The Modern Era

Atlinthaia once again thrived in prosperity. In 1824, The Pioneer Trade Company was founded, increasing Atlinthaian trade further north. In 1871, due to a growing population, the National Council decided again to expand the number of national districts to nine, re-drawing the district lines and carefully selecting families to be in charge of each. In 1935, the The Southern Fever hit Atlinthaia, devastating the country, and wiping out many of the noble families. The Nalbayn Family was hit so hard that the National Council had to select a new family to replace them. As this family, along with the previous two added to the council, were Shugbo speaking, this also made Shugbo one of the dominant languages in Atlinthaia.
Atlinthaia also retained strong relationships with the Thisaazhou people, and in 1940, the Atlinthaian king not only married a Thisaazhou matriarch, but also converted to the Shax'ia faith. This led to the first full Shax'ia temple being built in Atlinthaia's capital city, and since then, many Thisaazhou have decided to settle permanently in the country.


The first Atlinthaian government was called The Circle of Seven and was comprised of the matriarchs of the seven leading families in the new colony. This council made laws, held judgement, and appointed regional and local leaders.
After Atlinthaia became its own country, the Circle of Seven became the Council of Seven. The country was divided into seven districts, each with one of the seven families in charge of it. The leaders of the families were tasked with sending one member of the family to the capitol, to serve on the Council and putting one person in charge of the district council. Originally, this person was not only supposed to preside over meetings, but also to select people form each town to serve on the council. This selection process soon became democratic, as it was far less work for district leaders to let towns select representatives themselves

Selecting a Queen

With the Atlinthaian government no longer under rulership of Brek, the Council decided to appoint a queen to serve as the single head of state when necessary. The queen was one of the council members, elected by the council. Though the queen had limited power, she could summon an emergency council meeting when the council was not in session. The council could also vote to give the queen more power in times of emergency, which was most famously done during the Southern Conflict.

Removing a Council Member

Most council members would serve until they died, at which point, the leader of the family would send a new representative to serve on the council. If the deceased had also served as queen, the council would additionally elect a new queen from amongst themselves. Council members could also sometimes be removed by the family leader sending a different representative, though typically the family leader took this position themself. The Council could also elect to remove someone, if the other six members voted unanimously to do so, at which point the family was expected to send a new representative. If the Council member refused to step down, they could be tried for treason and executed.

The Atlinthaian Government Today

When the Southern Conflict ended, the queen of Atlinthaia negotiated the re-instatement of the nation's borders and then set out to re-install the Council of Seven. At this time, the nation's governing document was re-written to state that district legislatures would be selected by democratic lottery. Many cities in Atlinthaia also use this system, though others use election or consensus. The Council also created a new law allowing them to use the democratic lottery system to call a national legislature to discuss and make recommendations regarding particular issues. This legislature was the deciding vote in adding two more districts to the country and, in turn, two more seats to the Council (which had been done once before the Southern Conflict.) Following the Southern Fever, the National Legislature became a fixture of government, and while it technically can only recommend laws to the Council, the two function, in effect, as a bi-cameral legislature. There is support in Atlinthaia for making this official.
Though the Council of Seven also serves as the nation's highest court, it oversees very few cases, which are mostly seen by lower courts, selected by district councils. Furthermore, though the original Council was overwhelmingly female, today both men and women are known to serve on the Council, including Atlithaia's current King.

Geography and Climate

Atlinthaia is on the northern coast of the Southern Continent. Just off the coast are a number of small islands and coral reefs which make the channel difficult to navigate. This gave Atlinthaia a tactical advantage during the Southern Conflict. The climate near the coast is relatively moderate, kept so by the ocean. Southern Atlinthaia has hotter summers and cooler winters. South Atlinthaia has low hills, with a taller mountain range near the eastern coast. The temperature is most extreme south of this mountain range, due to the rain shadow created by the mountains. This desert area is home to Crow Canyon, also known as the Wailing Chasm, so called because the wind whistling through this unusual formation sounds like voices.


Atlinthaia is populated primarily by humans and Mermish, with a large population of mixed race. Most high status families, such as those in charge of the nine districts, are of Mermish descent. Many Thisaazhou have settled in the country, often developing a sedentary lifestyle ranchers, and the nation has an increasing number of Pelan refugees.


When the government was re-created after the Southern Conflict, the state religion was abolished. The dominant religion in the country is Xurugwi, which still incorporates aspects of early Atlinthaian nature worship. The result of the Southern Conflict also left a large Een population in the country Strong relations with the Thisaazhou has also led to an increasing Shax'ia population, especially since the king's marriage to a Thisaazhou woman. The country's relationship with the Thisaazhou has also given the government cause to accept Pelan refugees fleeing Ethion, with the king being one of their greatest supporters. Therefore, there is also an increasing number of Epaluno followers, though no temple have yet been built. In the capitol, the Shax'ia temple has been opened for the use of Epaluno worship.


While the Atlinthaian language is still spoken in the country, Shugbo is also an official language, which has a growing number of speakers. While not an official language, Zhohu is common, particularly in districts bordering Ethion. Thisizha is also spoken on some areas, though primarily by Thisaazhou.


Education in Atlinthaia varies greatly from district to district, as each district council develops their own rules regarding schools. Though this was originally a means of maintaining social status through gender segregation and admission fees, all public schools in the country are now integrated and free, though not compulsory in all districts. Different districts also determine which languages schools are taught in. There is support in the National Legislature to create a federal Ministry of Education to oversee schools on a national level.

Marriage and Divorce

Legally, marriage can only be between a man and a woman, though religiously, Xurugwi weddings still marry larger groups of all genders. This has led to married groups containing multiple male and female pairs that legally file for marriage. Typically, only at-fault divorce is allowed, though this is beginning to change.

Sexuality and Gender

Legally, marriage is only allowed between heterosexual pairs. This has become an increasingly controversial issue, with the Xurugwi population pushing for marriage reform and Een followers promoting the status quo. Only male and female genders are recognized, with a much smaller contingent seeking social reform in this area.

We breathe, we live

Content Warning: spirits, death, war  

Atlinthaian Flag

The Atlinthaian flag consists of three colors--blue, black, and green, which represent the original three-in-one goddess of the country. The black ring in the center contains nine nodes, which represent the nine seats on the National Council. This is the same flag Atlinthaia has used since it was a Brekkan colony, except that the original flag had only seven nodes, representing the Circle of Seven. It is unusual among Soutern Continent flags, as it does not have a cross to represent the Southern Conflict.

Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Connection to the Crown Staff of Dusk

Two of Atlinthaia's most famous (or infamous) personalities were bearers of Airrin Underwood's Crown Staff of Dusk. In 1534, it was discovered by Kaden Camp while cleaning out his father's workshop. Camp used his truth magic as a spy during the Southern Conflict, but was later imprisoned for attacking a superior officer. In 1747, it was discovered in an old barn by Watson Baidyep, who later fled the country after an attempted coup. Baidyep's discovery of a mass grave of Een followers has since been used by a number of reformist groups proposing an end to the National Council and the creation of a new government. Though both men got into trouble, many Atlinthaians speak with pride of the history of truth magic in the country.
First Atlinthaian Colony by Molly Marjorie
Atlinthaia Modern Day by Molly Marjorie

Cover image: by Molly Marjorie
Character flag image: by Molly Marjorie


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