Session 75 - Mainfair Report in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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Session 75 - Mainfair

General Summary

Our Misfits were off to Mainfair! During their travels, the party prepared themselves for the challenges ahead. When they arrived at the coastal town, they were quickly offered shelter for their carriage by a nearby stable owner, for 10 gold a night, of course.
Shortly after, the party was bombarded with people offering various services. Finn expertly shooed one desperate civilian away, clueing Sasha and the others in on how things work around Mainfair.
Finn went about leading his friends to the Wreck, but on their way, they spotted three Zso intimidating a shopkeeper. Finn knew these to be members of a gang of Zso called the Demons, who prey on the weak. They quickly picked up on the party, labelling them as “newcomers”, and tried to shake them down. Sasha replied with a swift kick to the balls of the lead Zso (from then on known as “Terry Blue Balls”).
The Demons attacked the party, but before things could get too violent, another group entered the fray. Finn knew these as members of the Ravagers: a group of magically-gifted individuals, who abuse their power much like the Demons do. They argued they had claimed the party when they entered Mainfair, and the dispute was just what the party needed to slip away into the crowd.
Arriving at the Wreck, Hamilton was shocked to find that it was a wreckage of some kind of Cepharrian structure. Inside, Finn reunited with his old friend and former bosun of the Reapers: Grant. Finn was surprised to see Grant now walking with a cane, and also calling him Finn!
Grant explained that he and Port had been keeping up with Finn and his adventures, and were already familiar with Sasha, Hamilton, and Eleanor. Grant led the party upstairs, where they found Port, the Wreck’s bartender. Hamilton’s jaw dropped upon realizing that Port was a living, breathing Cepharrian!
Grant led Sasha to the bar to meet Port, who gave her the ale she requested on the house for all the care she’d put into Finn’s safety. After giving Hamilton a pep talk to get past his nerves, Finn led him over to the bar and introduced the two. Hamilton chose not to mention anything about Cepharrians, and did his best to be pleasant with the barkeep.
The conversation went well for a bit, until Port realized that Grant hadn’t told the party about the big changes in Mainfair. Grant sighed and prepared to explain, but was interrupted by Pitch, a young Zso girl, who informed Port that “Jinskarr had come ashore”. Port’s face paled as she began preparing drinks. With a grim look on his face, Grant told the party to follow him out to the docks. Before they left, Port offered her home as a place for the party to sleep while they stay in Mainfair.
Coming into port was a large ship with a figurehead of a shark, which Hamilton recognized as being a Mainland ship. He also recognized the crew itself to have some kind of relation to the Mainland, based on their hairstyles and augmented limbs.
After the crew, a large Finkin stepped off the boat. Following him was a thin Sunborn. After that, three Ka-Tar women stepped off the ship. And finally, Captain Jinskarr appeared.
They all filed down and began walking toward the Wreck, with Jinskarr shouting that the crew had an hour before they were headed out. The party was content to stay amongst the crowd, but found themselves at the center of attention when Terry Blue Balls ran up to Jinskarr and told him of some newcomers who had attacked his crew. Jinskarr spoke directly to the party, who told their side of things. Jinskarr quickly took the party’s side, and demanded Terry thank the party for putting him and his people in their place. When Terry protested, Jinskarr yanked him over to the party and held a knife to his neck. Terry sputtered out a thank you, but after a moment of hesitation, Jinskarr slit his throat anyway.
After that, he continued on, turning back only to welcome the party to Mainfair. Grant came over and offered to tell the party what he knew about the situation.
Back at the bar, Grant came clean. Jinskarr had arrived a few months ago with his Mainlander crew and demanded control over Mainfair. After being laughed off, he came back a few weeks later, this time with barrels of Revolt. Ever since then, Jinskarr has taken whatever he wants, and nobody is strong enough to do anything about it.
Shortly after Jinskarr took over, Captain Grimm and a few other captains banded together to fight him. However, with the combined power of Revolt, the Mainlander’s firearms, and the Demons and Ravagers, they were no match. Captain Grimm attempted to negotiate some kind of terms with Jinskarr, who agreed to take the captain out on his boat, the Mad Shark, to discuss.
The following day, the Mad Shark returned with no Captain Grimm to be found. And after that, Jinskarr forcibly disbanded the the Reapers and crashed their ship into the rocks.
Now the party has to decide: do they leave Mainfair to the fate that’s befallen it, or do they face what will be perhaps their most dangerous opponent yet?

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
13 Jun 2021
Primary Location

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