Session 69 - Security Surplus Report in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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Session 69 - Security Surplus

General Summary

Everyone descended into the next floor of the Cepharrian ruins. The room they ended up in was filled with the bodies of Cepharrian drones, hanging from hooks. In the distance, through a crack in the door, the light from earlier could be seen and the sounds of crooner music could be heard.
As the party worked their way toward the light, they failed to notice three Advanced Drones hiding amongst the bodies, which attacked the party! Things seem dire at first, but our Misfits were quickly able to turn things around and get the best of these powerful constructs.
Once victorious, the party entered the room before them, with Hamilton in the lead. Inside, they saw a lived-in space, complete with some wooden furniture and the record player they heard earlier. Cables from the ceiling had been rewired to power these tubes. In the center of the room was a figure, clad in tattered robes. He was composed of both wood and metal, with bird-like feet and thin, metal arms. On his face was a screen of the smiling face seen in Remington Kingdom.
Hamilton attempted to be diplomatic with the stranger, but tensions were running high, and it wasn’t long before Sasha pinned him up against the wall. They questioned him, and he told the party that he was behind all that happened in Remington. On top of that, he had created Revolt. Some were skeptical, but everyone agreed they needed to take him back to the Kingdom to be tried and sentenced.
But the stranger did not go willingly. He attacked the party, weaponizing Revolt to infect both Sasha and Finn with an unquenchable rage. They were both able to shake out of its effects, and additionally subdue the stranger.
Goodwin , meanwhile, discovered that the tubes lining the room appeared to connect to other floors in the ruins, including the surface itself. So, one by one, the party went back to the City of Steel to report on their findings. And then, return the supposed culprit of Lady Margaret's death to Remington.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Power Problems: The party successfully located who was behind the power issues in the City of Steel.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
24 Apr 2021
Primary Location

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