Session 137 - Endings Report in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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Session 137 - Endings

General Summary

We returned to Sasha, standing before her deceased brother, Yassen. She knelt and fixed up his body, giving him some parting words before she continued deeper into the tower.
On the way down the stairs, she saw an apparition of Johan appear before her. Acting quickly, she charged and swung at him, only to pass straight through him and collapse on the stairs. Johan explained he was only there to talk, wishing to dissuade her from pursuing him.
Johan asked Sasha where Yassen was, and with one look from her, he knew what she did. Furious, Johan accused Sasha of fighting for a world in which siblings must kill each other. The two of them argued back and forth and, seeing he could not convince her, Johan warned her one final time to stay away, then faded…
Of course, Sasha pressed on.
Meanwhile, Hamilton trudged through the Cepharrian halls, still severely wounded. As his soul slowly drained from him, he looked up to see Johan’s ghostly form standing before him.
Johan apologized for manipulating Hamilton through Abigail, and offered him a deal: Stop pursuing him, and he can be spared. Johan said he would transport Hamilton back to the Mainland and, once Nevurdul was wiped out, he would track down Delilah's soul and implant it in him so the two of them could be together forever.
Hamilton declined, preferring not to leave things half-finished. Johan, annoyed, faded away.
Elsewhere, Finn and Angela continued to walk away from the room of corpses. Johan appeared in his spiritual state, causing Finn to immediately step between him and Angela. Johan made Finn an offer to save Angela, so she could be part of the new Nevurdul.
Terrified, Finn refused. Angela herself agreed that she wasn’t going to abandon Finn yet again. She was going to stick by him until the end.
Seeing his words ignored, Johan went quiet, and disappeared.
Our Misfits reunited after heading down their respective staircases. They met up before a massive set of double doors. After readying themselves and leaving Angela outside, they entered the following room...
They entered to see a large chamber with a massive ball of light at its center. Johan stood before it, marveling at its splendor. He turned to the party, and prepared for battle.
Our Misfits immediately took action, attacking Johan both close-up and from a distance. They dealt significant damage to him right away, forcing him to teleport away. After a few more shots, the white flesh dripping from Johan’s wounds wrapped around him, encasing him within it.
Tendrils sprouted from tears around the room as it began to collapse. Pockets of the Beyond opened up as well, but that didn’t deter the party. They continued to take shots on Johan’s writhing form, until something changed.
The white flesh wrapped around itself, tightening to form limbs. The dripping mass of flesh transformed into a humanoid figure with wisps of light for hair, a featureless face, glowing eyes, and many arms. As it formed, the room broke apart entirely, blasting the party back.
As they recovered, our Misfits saw pieces of the world were floating in the Beyond. They maneuvered through the battlefield, watching as Johan flew through the air, shooting powerful blasts as he did.
Johan landed beside Finn, and dealt a powerful enough blow to knock him out entirely. Hamilton finally used his Bullseye Coin to fire a powerful shot at Johan. He rocketed toward Hamilton in response, and began consuming him in his flesh.
With one decisive shot from her bow, Sasha pierced Johan’s Servo body enough to cause him to fall from Hamilton and collapse on a floating bit of rock.
As Johan’s body dripped off of him, he begged them not to “send him back there”. Hamilton refused, telling him that wherever he was going was where he would reap what he’s sown. And with the very same blunderbuss he was forced to shoot Abigail with, Hamilton shot Johan’s body to pieces, severing his connection to their world.
As Sasha and Hamilton struggled to figure out how to stop the Core, Gael suddenly came through in a tear. He explained that they were in the Beyond, so the Core wouldn’t be an issue anymore. He picked up Finn, and the four of them escaped through another tear.
They emerged on a hill with Angela, and watched as the tower collapsed on itself, ending the Cepharrians’ threat on the island.
The party returned to Remington Kingdom to cheers from their loved ones. However, this was short-lived, as Hamilton felt his soul continuing to leave him. The party rested for a few days in bed, and after some time, Goodwin arrived per Delilah’s request. He had a look at Hamilton and the two of them agreed to attempt to keep him alive by patching up his broken soul with pure magic.
Goodwin, with the help of Sasha, Delilah, and Angela, worked together to patch up Hamilton’s soul. After nearly an hour of work, they succeeded. Hamilton would live. A few days later, our Misfits attended the funeral for those that were lost in the War for Nevurdul, including Eleanor. The party stood at her grave marker in the memorial, setting flowers at its base. Aldo gave a speech on Queen Elysia's behalf, who was now conscious and able to move around, but not speak.
Hamilton prepared to leave on the Apex, which Delilah was already boarding. He stopped to talk to Sasha and Finn, his two closest friends during his time in Nevurdul. He thanked them for all that they taught him, and promised to see them again someday. As a parting gift, he handed each of them one of his blunderbusses.
After he departed, Sasha and Finn talked about what they would do next. Sasha decided to stick around Remington to help out, while Finn elected for a quieter life.
A few days later, Johnson tracked down Finn and surprised him with a brand new carriage! With Peanut as their horse, Johnson offered for the two of them to have a life out in the woods, where they could build a home of their own together. Finn agreed, and the two shared a hug.
After saying goodbye to his friends in Remington, Finn and Johnson left for a quieter life.
Finally, Sasha continued working for Remington Kingdom. She approached Queen Elysia looking for something to do, to which she offered her a position as a Guardian of Remington.
Later, she and Osho sat at the gazebo by the lake in Dorothy District. Osho handed her Eleanor’s ring, and asked her if she still had her Densharr family knife. She showed it, and he showed that he had one, as well.
Osho told her to hang onto it, as he was planning on leaving Remington Kingdom. Sasha looked at the ring, before deciding better of it and agreeing that the two would never be far from each other, so long as they kept their knives close.
As the siblings shared a hug, a rabbit and her children rested in a small field nearby: Hope for a better future.
Report Date
27 Nov 2022
Primary Location

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