"Space Brothers" Sandibari Ethnicity in Mudewei | World Anvil
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"Space Brothers" Sandibari

A branch of the Mudeweian Sandibari which originated as a group of Sandibari sent into "Space Brothers" territory in the year 2090 in order to gather intelligence and perform a threat assessment. They have been living aboard the Brothers' ships ever since under such guises as maintenance workers, diligently maintaining a version of Sandibar-Stenza with which they routinely send briefs back to the Stenza. The briefs are collected and kept in storage but rarely sifted through. As these Sandibari have not yet received orders to return, they have remained for almost five hundred years, and have begun to develop their own cultural identity centered primarily around their work for the Nine Systems. They view themselves as loyal subjects of the Leader and periodically receive news from within the empire about various developments (the discovery of humans as a viable trophy, the Clan Killings, Desolation, AlbarMuxter, etc.). They were most shocked to discover the schisms between other groups of Sandibari across the galaxy. Learning that this was primarily a result of Stenza actions within their own territory has caused a good deal of confusion among the Sandibari stationed in the neighboring Empire of the Space Brothers, prompting many to wonder if they would ever be retrieved, for one, and for another if they should simply detach, turn themselves in to Space Brother authorities, and hope for the best. Perhaps it would be better than to live and work for the Stenza, they argue.   Others believe that loyalty is the highest virtue, and that they must continue this work until ordered otherwise. Whatever else the Stenza might be doing is completely irrelevant to their task. Someday, they insist, the Brothers will let their guard down, and the Sandibari will catch a huge break for the Stenza. Others have argued in the past that they have been searching for this break for over four hundred years, and if they haven't found it by now, they never will. They should urgently request to return home and put their skills to use managing the rest of the Sandibari factions in case of war like the Albarians fear and the Muxterans push for.   This debate has considerably slowed down their intelligence work.
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