Mriyar Global History of Mriyar Timeline
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Global History of Mriyar

An official timeline of world history, provided by the Yugen Library of Knowledge and Research.

Era of Rebirth

... 0 ER

The Era, which holds the beginnings of the world itself. It is marked as the time, when every soul after death was guided by Lada through the Great Cycle of rebirth and returned to the life on Nava once more.

  • -13000000 ER

    -10000 ER

    Edge of Creation
  • -12000000 ER

    -10000 ER

    Rebirth of the Black Sun

    Death of Temriaz due to his attempts to seek more knowledge and thus became known as a Black Sun - the deity of eternal chaos, destruction and madness.
    He was imprisoned by Creator Gods in the deepest realm of Mriyar - the Bottomless Depths of the Void.

  • -10000 ER

    -9000 ER

    9 Nazymnik

    Lunar Discord

    This is an event that marks the split in the elven society and between elven gods. It leads to the War of Lost Stars and eventual final battle between Nichar and Zorya, in which moon Rudatul acquired its new crimson red colour and elves divided into three groups, known as wood elves, high elves and drow.

  • -10000 ER

    -8000 ER


    Chaining of Semargl

    It is believed, that on this day Semargl, the Chained Hound, has been imprisoned because of his corruption by Temriaz, the Black Sun in the battle with the forces of the Void.
    Dazhbog himself had to chain his former friend with Svarog's chains to star Polaris, to prevent Semargl from causing destruction to the outer world and life.

  • -6000 ER

    -5000 ER

    Fall of the Fire leaves

    A thousand-year-long war between Dzevana , Veles and Ruer due to the beliefs of the last that the mortal races were too weak and soft, and needed to use the nature in every possible way for further the evolution and survival of the fittest.
    Ended with severe losses and corruption of wolfaren, orc and goblinoid races by Ruer and final defeat and banishment of the Ruiner in the ever-burning Realm of War and Conquest, Blood Fields.

  • -4000 ER

    -800 ER

    Corruption of the World Leviatha

    Corruption of Bangputys in his dreams by the whispers of Temriaz and their long torment of open seas before the eventual defeat and imprisonment by Perun.
    It is said, that Bangputys is chained to the deepest bottom of Yava, as they were too big and tightly wrapped around Material Plane to be removed.

  • -2000 ER

    -1000 ER

    Gift of Arcane
    Discovery, Exploration

    Veles gives mortal races the forbidden arcane knowledge, despite the objections from the other Gods.

  • -220 ER

    -157 ER

    Vicebarevn War

    The worldwide war, started by Dragon Empire on Mriyar and their servants to completely conquer all lands. Ended with the battle of 5 Nations, defeat of dragons across the continent.

  • -150 ER

    2 Hmuren
    -1 ER

    1 Hmuren

    War of Burning Skies

    War of Burning Skies is an event that took place in the Era Rebirth and lasted for over 150 year. It was an invasion of Void forces into Yava. Though not in the beginning, all Mriyar Gods took part in this War, defending their respective Realms and worshippers. In the end, the Mriyar Gods united their forces, attacking the armies of Temriaz in one strike and pushing void creatures away in the Void.

  • -55 ER

    -55 ER

    Creation of Bogokovc

    Creation of Bogokovc from the divine essence of different Gods. Bogokovc were supposed to become the new Guardians of the Yava Realm, maintaining balance in all fields, as well as serving as the main defence line against the outside forces, such as the Void.

  • -1 ER

    11 Zhnyvets
    -1 ER

    12 Zhnyvets

    Lada looses her reincarnation powers

    To prevent Temriaz's plans to create a new, immortal subrace of demons, from happening, Lada cut off her wings, ultimately severing her connection to reincarnation powers and breaking the cycle of reincarnation in Mriyar.

  • -1 ER

    12 Zhnyvets
    -1 ER

    12 Zhnyvets

    Birth of Marzana, Goddess of Death

    "When someone dies, a new life is born" was one of the principles of Lada, and in the last moments of her waning reincarnations powers, from the fallen white feathers of her pure wings a new entity arose. Rebirth was replaced by Death. Marzana, the goddess of Death and Winter has been born.

  • -1 ER

    1 Hmuren
    -1 ER

    1 Hmuren

    Victory of Gods over Void
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Victory of Mriyar Gods in the War of Burning skies.
    After a long war with forces of the Void, the Gods managed to get the upper hand and force the demons back in their Plane, placing the protective barrier between it and Material Plane.

  • 0 ER

    The Rupture

    All Deities left the mortal world and create a powerful divine barrier between realms, Divine Edge, to prevent them from falling into further chaos and destruction. They permanently settled down in their respective realms, healing their wounds after the long divine war and preparing for the times, when they'll be needed in their avatars once again.

    Additional timelines

Era of Searching

1 ES and beyond

Era, that is marked by the destruction of the Great Cycle and departure of Deities from the mortal realm, leaving all inhabitants of the realm to deal with the new conditions of their lives, stripped of soul rebirth ability.

  • 1 ES

    99 ES

    Age of Terra

  • 1 ES

    1 Lyutoviy

    Founding of Svitagora

    Founding of Svitagora – city of Creator Gods in Divine Peaks.

  • 100 ES

    199 ES

    Age of Ignis

  • 200 ES

    299 ES

    Age of Anima

  • 300 ES

    399 ES

    Age of Ferro

  • 400 ES

    499 ES

    Age of Ventum

  • 500 ES

    599 ES

    Age of Magus

  • 600 ES

    699 ES

    Age of Proelium

  • 700 ES

    799 ES

    Age of Aria

  • 800 ES

    899 ES

    Age of Incrementum

  • 900 ES

    999 ES

    Age of Tenebris

  • 1000 ES

    1099 ES

    Age of Aestus

  • 1100 ES

    1199 ES

    Age of Lumen