Bangputys Character in Mriyar | World Anvil
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Bangputys, the World Leviathan, is a Prime Deity of Renegades' Pantheon, having joined them after corruption. He is a god of dephs, greed, poisons and storms that terrorize all coastlines and open waters. He is believed to be a creation of Temriaz, once upon a time being the Ruler of Open Seas, but after answering the call of the Black Sun, transformed into a dark, malicious reflection of his former self. Under the corruption of the Void, Bangputys reached a new level of existence, stretching his being around the Material Plane itself, through oceans and underground spaces. Many people believe, that Bangputys is the one responsible for death storms in the Tranquil Expanse and near Serpent Teath Islands, as well as bad weather in seas.
Due to Bangputys's unpredictable nature, not many dare to call on his name, fearing to call upon themselves World Leviathan's desire for chaos and pain. Those who do are most often hired mercenaries, adventurers and those consumed by greed and lust for power. Some sailors try to appease the Leviathan in the upcoming storms, by throwing off treasure chests or large livestock overboard.


Many portrayals of the Bangputys are taken from his smaller counterparts - Sea Leviathans - and modified to represent their corruption by the Void. The World Leviathan is said to have scaly, with different protrusions body; luminescent, glowing details on the sides of their head and down their throat; two clawed limbs on the front that they use to crawl through the bottom of the ocean, and multiple spiky tentacles all across their lengthy serpent-like body. Closer to his head are placed three pairs of scaly wings. 




Corruption of the Ocean King

Corruption of the World Leviatha

The Rupture

The Rupture


Due to Bangputys's unpredictable nature, not many dare to call on his name, fearing to call upon themselves World Leviathan's desire for chaos and pain. Those who do are most often hired mercenaries, adventurers and those consumed by greed and lust for power. Some sailors try to appease the Leviathan in the upcoming storms, by throwing off treasure chests or large livestock overboard.
Another group of worshippers consists of the snake-kin, that were found on different discrete islands of the Engear and Guerdyn seas.



Storm seasons on the Gleaming Archipelago are said to be the manifestation of the World Leviathan's fury and residents of these islands conduct different rituals and leave sacrifices to appease the deity.


Commandments of the World Leviathan

    • Greed is part of everyones nature and you need to embrace and purcue it. 
    • Hide in the shadows, striking when they expect it the least.
    • Nothing is more disarming than unpredictability.

Icon was made by Felixora
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General Information

Classification Greater Deity
  • World Leviathan
  • Chained Sea King
  • Master of the Serpents
  • Sea storms
  • Greed
  • Sea
  • Leviathans
  • Sea
Common symbol Leviathan head
surrounded by
9 tentacles
Gender Masculine
Pronouns he/him/his


  • Merfolk
  • Snake people
  • Seamen
  • Assassins
  • Leviathans
Holy day Storm seasons
on the Gleaming
Associated domains
  • Trickery
  • Sea
  • Nature

Alignment chart

Character Portrait image: by Felixora


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