Airport Settlement in Metaclash: Digital Avatars of Destruction | World Anvil


Journeying in a world shattered by war and rampant pollution seems inconceivable. Yet, one glimpse at Alva's sprawling airports, furnished with cutting-edge, clean-energy aircraft, could provoke a reevaluation of this perception. Propaganda disseminated by the Factions purports that these aircraft serve the noble cause of delivering humanitarian aid to embattled cities. However, the truth belies such benevolent pretenses, as these planes are primarily utilized for targeted soldier training exercises aimed at territorial control. During the tumultuous years of the Great War, the airfields of the old world were considered strategic targets. A pivotal clause in the peace accords stipulated the reconstruction and operation of neutral city airports, notably those in Alva, as a commitment to restore a semblance of normality in a world marred by conflict. For individuals granted the opportunity to visit or settle in Alva City, these impressive airports provide their first glimpse of the famed metropolis, making them a symbol of hope and a beacon of the possibilities that the future may hold. One distinguishing feature that sets Alva City's main airport apart is its innovative vertical carousel landing strips. Designed with an unwavering emphasis on passenger comfort, these landing strips stand as a testament to Alva's commitment to technological advancement and user-centric design amidst a turbulent world.
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