Alva: The Neutral City Settlement in Metaclash: Digital Avatars of Destruction | World Anvil

Alva: The Neutral City

When "The Lowering of the Flags" happened, most of the world's cities fell into chaos, first under the control of Telum and then in a state of war with the rise of Machina and Invictus.

Decades passed before "The Peace of the East" occurred, a historical event reported as the end of hostilities between factions. In practice, these have always continued, the only actual outcome being the founding of Alva, the neutral city.

Alva is the third state of the territory, once known as Constantinople and later as Istanbul. In the world of Metaclash: DAD, Alva has become a kind of world capital, being the only metropolis in the world where you can count on the scarcest commodity in this world: Peace.


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