Shopping District 1 Settlement in Metaclash: Digital Avatars of Destruction | World Anvil

Shopping District 1

The days of the international free market are long gone. In today's world, shopping is severely restricted, barely guaranteeing products related to survival and basic necessities. The only place where one kind find all kinds of products is in the Alva shopping district.

Shopping District 1 exclusively targets neutral city inhabitants or temporary visa holders. It’s the only place in the modern world where you can find the products you need to survive and the most exciting tech novelties. Products like the instant food processor and holographic projectors are standard items.

The limited space available for commercial activity, and the profits that this activity generates for those who develop it, make the Shopping District completely overcrowded. There is not a square meter available. Stores display ads, posters, and holographic projections with various advertisements.

Metaclash CORP manages the Shopping District space and the entire city of Alva. Rumors say this place hides much more than fashion, comfort, and curiosities. Actually, it’s a space where shady business deals and influence peddling are carried out, involving both factions and Metaclash itself.
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