Terri Henderson


Terri is Jandor’s younger stepsister. When she was five, her father passed away. Four years later, Terri’s mother married Jandor’s father, and they moved to Greengale. Terri bonded quickly with the Mason males. She craved male role models and both Joshua and Jandor were strong, protective types. As such she latched onto Jandor as a real brother. She joined the A&A Club specifically because she looked up to Jandor and wanted to emulate him.   When Terri was sixteen, Jandor’s father died in the tragic accident that took many people’s lives. This seemed to have a bigger impact on Terri than even Jandor, having lost a second father in such a short period of time.  

After the Displacement

When she is transported to Mendala she lands in the same place as Daniel. Having lost her brother, in a sense, she quickly forms a bond with Daniel, even though she was not particularly fond of him beforehand. She starts to rely on him, and he rises to challenge, helping them settle into Mendalian life when it seems they will be there together for a long time. The two’s relationship eventually turns romantic, and they get a cottage together in the woods near where they both arrived. However, Terri’s relationship with Daniel became complicated when she began to wonder if her feelings were only because he took care of her and not because of genuine affection.     After arriving on Mendala, Terri started to have nightmares on a near daily basis that depicted the others being killed by the creatures of the Book of War in the lost cave on Earth. It seemed that the thought of losing her brother and her friends proved too much for her already weighed down psyche.   More to distract herself from this than anything else, she started studying healing. She eventually became a fully qualified healer through the Riverbed Warrior Guild and started a job there.   She found some peace in doing this, though she still struggles with trying to become whole. She doesn’t always feel like an active participant in the group as she is not a seal bearer nor a descendant of a Mendalian. As such she feels conflicted about her role.


Terri Henderson


Towards Jandor Mason


Jandor Mason


Towards Terri Henderson



Terri adores her older stepbrother to almost the point of clinginess. When her mother married Joshua Mason, she was glad to have a father and older brother that, in her eyes, were the epitome of cool. Neither distinguish their “step” status and from the very beginning they regarded each other as true siblings. Though they were only a year apart, Jandor often treated her much younger than she was, and Terri ended up spoiled by the attention. She is extremely protective of him when it comes to girls, not wanting any girl, other than Becky, to be close to him.

Daniel Mindmon


Towards Terri Henderson


Terri Henderson


Towards Daniel Mindmon



Daniel and Terri had a contentious relationship at first. During the second half of Terri's freshman year, Henrietta forced her to be tutored by Daniel in math and science because her grades were abysmal. Terri hated being part of the tutoring sessions because it made her feel dumb and unlike most of the members of the A&A club, Daniel didn’t give her special treatment because she was Jandor’s younger sister. To him, she came across as a spoiled brat who clung to her brother to get her way and never did anything on her own.   Despite a mutual disdain for one another in the beginning, Terri ended up raising her math and science grades and proving that she could work hard and Daniel eventually apologized for the way he treated her. After that the two began an amicable friendship, but nothing more.

Age 17
Race Human
Gender Female
Height 5″5′ (1.65m)
Build Average
Complexion Fair
Eyes Green
Hair Shoulder length, dirty-blonde, wavy
Father James Henderson (Deceased)
Mother Henrietta Mason
Stepfather Joshua Mason (Deceased)
Stepbrother Jandor Mason
Mendalian Ranks
Adimus Rank Mentant
Guild Rank Healer
Hometown Greengale, USA
Action & Adventure Club Member
Riverbed Warrior Guild Healer
Library Info & Links
Jandor Mason (Stepbrother)
Aligned Organization

Character Guide
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Character Portrait image: by AWGColeman (AI Creation)


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