Jandor Mason


Jandor's Youth

Jandor craved adventure his whole life, a trait that is most likely attributed to his father, Joshua Mason. He was a weapon’s enthusiast and had a collection that was passed down through several generations. Growing up, Joshua would do anything and everything to nurture Jandor’s adventurous spirit and continuous need for an ever-growing challenge.   Jandor, like his father, started learning martial arts at a young age. Joshua was proficient in several with black belts in Karate, Choi Kwang Do, and Chun Kuk Do and he taught Jandor elements from all of them. His father also taught him to use weapons both in hunting and sport. Joshua collected weapons, from swords to crossbows and Jandor learned them all. Despite all this exposure to fighting and weaponry, Jandor was never violent. If anything, his martial arts training taught him to be slow to use violence in most situations.   Jandor and his father were adrenaline junkies. Together the duo went rock climbing, white water rafting, parasailing, skydiving, bungee jumping, spelunking, and more. Jandor enjoyed every challenge he was faced with, and no matter what, he always seemed to crave more.   Jandor was extremely popular growing up. Most of the boys wanted to be like him, and many of the girls had crushes on him but Jandor never seemed to notice any of this. He was always kind and good natured to everyone, and never took his popularity for granted. He was the type of person who would intervene when a bully was picking on a smaller student or stick up for someone if they were being teased for being different. Jandor has always had a strong moral code, and felt it was important to do what was right even if it cost him something. Almost everyone respected him, and those who didn’t rarely had the courage to challenge him.   Jandor grew up with two close friends, Becky Gabbie and Wayne Guardman. There friendship developed because at a young age, both Jandor and Becky would spend their after school time at the Guardman household. Though many girls had crushes on Jandor, including Becky, she was the only one who really took the time to get to know him. In the same way, Wayne never felt intimidated by Jandor like many of the other boys, so he was also able to develop a close friendship when they were young. Because of this, Jandor has always trusted and respected Becky and Wayne more than anyone.  

The Action & Adventure Club

Jandor’s and Ace’s fathers were best friends and owned a few businesses together including an indoor adventure park. When Jandor was twelve he started helping his father out, first with simple things like selling tickets, but as he got older, he started becoming actively involved, coming up with new activities geared toward younger kids.   His ideas took off, which prompted the business-savvy Calvin Eastman to encourage Jandor to do more and expand. Jandor started recruiting his friends to work with him, and together they designed a myriad of fun and adrenaline fueled activities for the kids of Greengale, which was very successful since the town had very little in the way of fun things to do and this brought in kids from the surrounding towns as well. Jandor and his group of friends called themselves the Action and Adventure Club, or A&A for short. By the time Jandor was eighteen, the club had sixteen members in total.  


Terri Henderson


Towards Jandor Mason


Jandor Mason


Towards Terri Henderson



Terri adores her older stepbrother to almost the point of clinginess. When her mother married Joshua Mason, she was glad to have a father and older brother that, in her eyes, were the epitome of cool. Neither distinguish their “step” status and from the very beginning they regarded each other as true siblings. Though they were only a year apart, Jandor often treated her much younger than she was, and Terri ended up spoiled by the attention. She is extremely protective of him when it comes to girls, not wanting any girl, other than Becky, to be close to him.

Wayne Guardman


Towards Jandor Mason


Jandor Mason


Towards Wayne Guardman



Wayne met Jandor in elementary school when his mom took care of him and a few other children after school. He has a high respect for Jandor because despite always being the biggest and strongest kid, he never bullied, and always sought to avoid conflict. Though they became friends, Wayne always considers Jandor to be a leader and him a follower, despite Jandor never treating him that way. As a result, Wayne isn’t particularly open or close with Jandor, but he trusts him implicitly and will strive to do whatever he can to realize Jandor’s goals. Jandor sees Wayne as the social one, able to make friends with anyone, mediate problems between people, and approach things with logic even in the face of chaos. He was one of the first people Jandor recruits to the A&A club. Wayne knows that he can turn to Jandor for any problem he can’t handle himself and recognizes that Jandor trusts him.

Becky Gabbie


Towards Jandor Mason


Jandor Mason


Towards Becky Gabbie



Becky and Jandor met in elementary school because they were both children that Mrs. Guardman took care of after school. Because of this, the two got to know each other over several years along with Wayne and they became a well known trio.   Though Becky started with just a crush on Jandor, after many years of spending time with him, her feelings became much deeper since as she learned different aspects of him, not just what others saw. Jandor respects Becky as one of the smartest people he knows. In his mind, she can come up with a plan for anything, and is the most reliable person when it comes to strategy. and organizing. This is why she the first person he recruits to the A&A club.   Despite having strong feelings for him, Becky has no idea how to express them since she doesn’t want to risk making their relationship awkward. She seems content with just waiting for Jandor to feel the same way. Since Jandor never seemed interested in dating anyone, she felt that this was the best option, though she’s often afraid someone might come and steal his heart.

Age 18
Race Human
Gender Male
Height 6’2″ (1.87m)
Build Muscular
Complexion Fair
Eyes Brown
Hair Short, dusty brown, rarely combed
Father Joshua Mason (Deceased)
Mother Vivian Parker-Mason (Deceased)
Stepmother Henrietta Mason
Stepsister Terri Henderson
Mendalian Ranks
Guild Rank Fighter
Hometown Greengale, USA
Action & Adventure Club Founder / Leader
Library Info & Links
Terri Henderson (Stepsister)

Character Guide
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Character Portrait image: by AWGColeman (AI Creation)


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