
aka: Darius Wavemore


Darius Wavemore was born and raised in the mountain city of Zohare. He was born a mandant despite the fact that neither of his parents were one. Jerome Wavemore was a mentant woodworker, and Margo Wavemore worked at a daycare. They made a modest income which allowed them to make ends meet just barely in the expensive city.   When they discovered Darius was a mandant, his parents saw a better future for their son than the life they lived. Not only were mandants rare, but they could receive a free education at the Fantasmal Government Mandant School starting at the age of twelve. Seeing this as a huge opportunity, they sent Darius to Fantasmal Mountain as soon as he was eligible. He spent the next five years in mandant school and then immediately enrolled in guardian training at age 17 where he past all of the grueling requirements to become a guardian by age 28.   Over the course of those 16 years, he steadily saw his parents less and less. During the first two years, he visited them every weekend and returned home on breaks, then the visits went to monthly while still coming home for extended breaks. By the time he was 16, he was staying in his quarters in Teedmount full time and visiting his parents only on occasion. Once he entered guardian school, he rarely returned home until he was promoted to guardian.   Once promoted, he was first assigned to the Zinidenian Islands for 20 years, then to the Kingdom of Pairnight for a 20-year period, then to Weather Mountain for 15 years. It was then, when he was 83 years old, that he requested for an early reassignment to Zohare. This was because his parents were both nearing 120 years old and he knew he had little time left that he could spend with them. Sorinson, the head of the Guardian Council, agreed to this and reassigned him.   Darius spent the next ten years back in his hometown. He visited his parents frequently and settled down in the city for what he thought would be another twenty-year assignment.   Darius’s mother passed away when she was 123 years old and his father two years later at 135. By the time Darius was 89, he’d lost both is parents, but was glad for the years he was able to spend with them late in their lives.   During this time in Zohare, he made friends with a young couple, Luke and Winterbell Quicksilver. They were both quickeners for the Fantasmal Government and worked for the transportation corridor, assigned to the quickener cave that was used to connect Zohare to the mountain as well as other places. Despite working for the Fantasmal government, they chose to live in Zohare since that was their hometown. Darius and the Quicksilvers became friends over the years and he spent a lot of time with them. The quicksilvers were in their mid-forties but because guardians live twice as long as normal and aged far slower, even in his 90s, Darius didn’t look too much older than his new friends.   He also spent a lot of time going back and forth between Fantasmal Mountain and Zohare as his current post had him doing special projects and assignments. During this time, he developed friendships with Franklin Stokenshire, the Chief Librarian and Honsmordin Pornabus, the Assistant Chief of Residence Security, both of whom he considered to be very wise.   It was ten years into his assignment at Zohare that two significant events happened in Darius’s life. The first was the birth of the Quicksilver’s daughter, Sharanel. Darius had become such an integral part of the Quicksilver family, especially after the loss of his parents, that they named him Sharanel’s godfather. Several months later, at the passing of the previous Fantasma, the epouranal council converged on Zohare, having all received the revelation that the next Fantasma was located there. It was not long after that Darius was immediately chosen to be the next Fantasma.   Like many Fantasmas before him, his life completely shifted when he assumed the role because it is a complete change of identity. Darius Wavemore was no more. The epouranals performed the secret ritual of promotion and he was reborn as Fantasma. Even his adimus signature was forcibly changed. With that meant he left Zohare and moved to Fantasmal Mountain. He appointed Honsmordin as his Fantasmal Mind Mage and Chief of Staff and Franklin became one of Fantasma’s top advisors. He also tried to appoint Luke or Winterbell to be Fantasmal Quickener, but both asked not to take the assignment since it would mean they’d have to move from Zohare, which was where they had their life. Fantasma ended up keeping on the previous Fantasmal Quickener, Helen Bensellnot until she retired.   After his appointment, Fantasma did not have a lot of time to visit Zohare and see the Quicksilvers or his goddaughter, Sharanel who was a very bright and precocious child. However, since Fantasma had no family of his own, he realized that it was important to keep ties with the few people he considered family so as not to make the same mistake when he was barely in touch with his parents for decades, so he made concerted efforts to spend time with the Quicksilvers and his goddaughter as often as time permitted.   It was five years into his term as Fantasma when tragedy struck. A significant failure of the weather template caused erratic weather phenomena to occur in Zohare and the surrounding areas for several days. An unexpected earthquake in the mountains near Zohare trapped dozens of people deep inside a quartz mine and the Fantasmal Government was petitioned to help rescue them. Both Luke and Winterbell were sent in with the rescue team. Because of the unstable conditions, it was deemed too risky to try unearthing the collapsed mine by mandamus. The plan was to make a small enough gap to pass through the materials needed to make a quickener cave and guide the trapped miners into how to make one. Things were going well until another, much larger earthquake completely destroyed the mine, killing everyone inside including Luke and Winterbell.   Having lost her entire family to this one accident, Sharanel was now orphaned. Taking up his role as godfather, Fantasma had Sharanel move into the mountain. Even though she came to live with Fantasma right at age five, Sharanel never saw him as her father. To her, like everyone else, he was “Fantasma.” This made for a unique relationship between the two of them, where he was more like a guardian to her than a parent. Fortunately, growing up in the mountain under the care of Fantasma meant that Sharanel had a very large surrogate family, each of whom served different roles in her life. Many people took a liking to the young girl especially when it was discovered how much of a prodigy she was.   Still, because Fantasma was determined to have a good bond with Sharanel. He made efforts to spend time with her, and to nurture her curious nature and natural talent as a quickener. This solidified even more when Sharanel grew up and became Fantasmal Quickener. At first he was concerned about having his goddaughter work under him, but that soon changed when he realized it allowed him to have an even closer and better bond with Sharanel. Even though he was still “Fantasma” to her, she seemed more relaxed around him once she held a role that put her as close as possible to him in status, and this allowed their relationship to grow more.   Like most guardians, he hadn’t married and now that he was the Fantasma, it was unlikely that he ever would. Still, Fantasma felt he had a full life with his surrogate family which included Sharanel, Honsmordin, and Franklin.   Though he has been Fantasma for seventeen years, he is still very much new to the job. Because the Fantasma lives even longer than regular guardians. At 110, he is likely to be Fantasma for almost another 200 years, which means he still has plenty of time to grow into the role. It isn’t until the crisis of the Book of War that Fantasma slowly starts to realize that there are many things about his role, and the government that he runs, that need to change, and he becomes determined to use his time in the job to do the best he can to change the status quo for the better.




Towards Sharanel Quicksilver


Sharanel Quicksilver


Towards Fantasma



Before officially becoming Fantasma, Darius was named Sharanel's godfather. After the death of both of her parents, Sharanel came to live at Fantasmal Mountain under Fantasma's care. When the previous Fantasmal Quickener resigned, Sharanel was promoted to the post and now serves as one of only two people who reports to the Fantasma.

Relationship Reasoning

Sharanel feels she owes everything to him and regards him less as family but as her benefactor. Sharanel's whole reason for becoming the Fantasmal Quickener is to express her loyalty and devotion to him.   Fantasma feels guilt for being the one who ordered Sharanel's parent's to there death by sending them on the mission to evacuate the mine. He wants to do everything he can to protect her.

Honsmordin Pornabus

Friend / Advisor

Towards Fantasma




Towards Honsmordin Pornabus



Honsmordin met Darius when he was station in Zohare as the resident guardian. Darius would visit the mountain periodically and because Honsmordin was the assistant chief of residential security, he crossed paths with the guardian often. Darius came to understand that Honsmordin was very knowledgeable about the government bureaucracy, and the mind mage often helped him navigate through the various departments. Honsmordin and Darius became friends, and the mind mage's years of experience allowed him to advise the guardian in many areas. When Darius was appointed to Fantasma, he appointed Honsmordin as Fantasmal Mind Mage.   Though Honsmordin has more bureaucracy experience than the Fantasma, he still has a high level of respect for him and, true to his nature, is very deferential. Because Fantasma knew Honsmordin for years before he assumed the position, he views Honsmordin as a close friend and almost like family.

Franklin Stokenshire

Friend / Advisor

Towards Fantasma




Towards Franklin Stokenshire



Franklin met Darius when he was a guardian posted in Zohare. He developed a great bond with him and often offered the guardian advice. Once Darius became Fantasma, he appointed Franklin as one of his top advisors specifically telling him that he was one of the few people he trusted to tell him when he was headed down the wrong path.

Age 110
Race Human
Gender Male
Height 5’9″ (1.75m)
Build Average
Complexion Dark-brown
Eyes Brow
Hair short black
Father Jerome Wavemore (Deceased)
Mother Margo Wavemore (Deceased)
Goddaughter Sharanel Quicksilver
Mendalian Ranks
Social Rank Fantasma
Adimus Rank Fantasma
Guild Rank Warrior
Hometown Zohare
Fantasmal Government Fantasma
Library Info & Links
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

Character Guide
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Articles may contain some spoilers but I try to keep them minimal and not reveal major plot points beyond the first several chapters of the "Quest of the Seal Bearers - Book 1". Use the box below to reveal spoilers from the entire book.

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Character Portrait image: Fantasma by eexad00


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