Bhalasar Claxesh Character in Melyria | World Anvil

Bhalasar Claxesh


Professor Bhalasar Claxesh

While one may not first think tha compination of magic and martial arts, many have thought of it at somepoint, and some have made their carreers out of it. Bhalasar from Claxesh clan is good example of someone like that, who shares his passion for fighting and his knowledge of hexes with his students as one of the professors in the Silver Shore Academy of Magi.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bhalasar is a large, red Dragonborn with large dark horns. He has a deep voice, loud laughter and bright, green eyes. He has a muscular build and he has few scars around his body.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bhalasar was born 24th of May, 4015. He was born from a practical union of two warriors, and grew up with tales of battles, were they wild hunts or about some bandit raids.


Contacts & Relations

Most interesting of Bhalasar's contacts has to be his warlock patron, Ionort, large Shadow dragon that gives Bhalasar his powers. The two have an interesting relationsship where Ionort mostly seems to just observe, occationally asking for some quite bizarre favours.

Family Ties

While it rarely comes out in conversation Bhalasar does actually have quite a bit of family, he just isn't nessesarily close to them. He is mostly in good terms with everybody, but tends to focus on his own thing.

He has two younger brothers, one of them a full brother Shavarax, and other one, Yecheth, shares a father with him. Both brothers became part of their mothers' clan. His father Drianxes was a talented rider among the clan warriors, but has since retired to train War Raptors instead of riding them to battle after severe injury. His mother Eshnys from clan Faecys is a bounty hunter with a rather fearsome reputation, though she too has recently started to leave active duty behind.

Bhalasar does actually have two kids, but they live as part of the clan of their mother. His son Saroth and Omeila live in Moon Terrace and have good relationship with their father, though in eyes of the non-dragonborn he is more like an uncle to them than a father. THeir mother Karith is a captain of a fishing ship. Karith and Bhalasar have a friendly relationship, though their union was mostly arranged for benefit of their clans.


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Professor of Martial Arts & Curses
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
4015 AoS 32 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
2.09 m (tall)
145 kg (muscular)
Aligned Organization


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