Markéd Mountain Range Geographic Location in Marvelo | World Anvil
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Markéd Mountain Range

"The Markéd Mountains are old... older than flesh, older than bones. Only Earth and Sky preceded these ancient creations. They were born before mortals, and will long outlive mortals. Respect and revere them, and they will protect you from harm."   -excerpt from Trøglian scripture, dated circa 13000 BM


The Markéd Mountain Range is the largest landform on the Marvellan continent, dividing the landmass into two sections - north (the Vermilius Landmass) and south (the Azuria and Flavian Landmasses). It stretches from Marvelo's west to east coast with no interruption and little change in topography, and is notoriously difficult to traverse.    The western part of the Range is relatively gentle in both climate and incline. Peaks here are generally covered in mosses and grasses that are significantly less taxing to travel upon. However, thanks to the relationship between the Imperial Kingdom of Vermilius and Sovereign Kingdom of Azuria, Vermilisian movement through this area is generally impossible unless they travel through Gallant on their way to the Magisterial Kingdom of Flaviae.   The eastern region of the Range is harsh, steep, and rocky. Many a traveler has lost their lives attempting to navigate its treacherous landscape, especially if they carry with them the added burden of a cart or caravan. All who ask for advice regarding travel through the eastern Range will be faced with laughter, scorn, and pity.   Several rivers pass through the Range, most of them stemming from the central-northern peaks where winter snowfall is greatest. This snow melts and becomes the lifeblood of the continent, feeding into Lake Amaranthine and eventually reaching the Fathomless. In the western Range, many of these rivers are encompassed by grassy fjords.
Alternative Name(s)
The Marvellan Peaks
Mountain Range
Included Locations

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