Manifold sky The Manifold Conservation Society Attempts to Use Billowing Hate to Force a Geopolitical Alignment

The Manifold Conservation Society Attempts to Use Billowing Hate to Force a Geopolitical Alignment

Military action


Recognizing that the War of Reunification could begin anew soon, the Manifold Conservation Society launches a coordinated series of covert attacks with weaponized billowing hate against Voxelia and the Coalition of Breakaway Colonies. This is done in part to prevent the outbreak of a new war and in part to secure the Society's newfound position as the most powerful geopolitical entity in The Human Arc.   The Manifold Conservation Society attempts to pin the attacks on the New Cobalt Protectorate and, later, the 125 Hands. Outposts of Petalcap Vale, the Rostran Archipelago Confederacy, and even the Society's own outreach centers are also struck to 'sell' the illusion of the omnicidal 125 Hands making a comeback. This scheme ultimately fails when Bard-Recursant discover evidence linking the attacks to facilities aboard the MCSV Celestial Praxis.

Related Location
The Human Arc
Related timelines & articles
10,100's AR - A Century of Crisis