Korkravas Mountains

The Korkravas Mountains are the corner mountain range located at the vertex of Rostral B2, 3, and 5. As region closer to the Distal Tesseract than most of the local Rostran powers are comfortable admitting, the Korkravas Mountains undergird a rainforest booming with biodiversity both alien and terrestrial.


The Korkravas Mountains are named for their red, rocky soil. The region is hot and humd due in part to the meteorological influence of a commissure-spanning salt water lake that takes up most of the adjacent Rostral B2 face. This body of water is connected directly to the cube-spanning ocean of Rostral C - the native territory of the Rostran Archipelago Confederacy - and is what has thus far largely prevented the intrusion of Distal life into the Rostran's ecosystem.   The Korkravas Mountains drop smothly into coastal mangroves near the closest arms of the lake. The mountains trail off into foothils on the other two faces, with the composition of the rock becoming noticeable more porous and volcanic in origin as one approaches the 5 face due to the tenuous influence of the [Ventral-adjacent neighboring cube in Rostral E.


The high humidity of the air around the mountains make them a prime location for a rainforest. Terrestrial trees long ago outcompeted any gas spore plants that once called the mountains home, but the effect is the same: moisture from the air condenses on and around the thick canopy, creating rain at ground level. Closer to the ground, patches of both terrestrial and Distal plants grow amongst themselves, giving the forest a banded look when viewed from above. Terrestrial life becomes less common the higher up the mountain one travels, however, because the ultraviolet content of Distal-associated daylight is unhealthful for species not evolved for it.

Fauna & Flora

Bats, flabbergrypes, Distal urticators, tropical birds, and a perfusion of insect species thrive in the forests of the Korkravas Mountains. Major predators include spiders of all sizes, including several species of giant tarantula. Despite the enormous biomass of the forest, the racemic nature of the food web discourages energy-intensive hunting methods; rushdown predators, like jaguars and Distal razorbacks, can't compete against snare or ambush predators in the region in terms of metabolic economy.   Small pockets of Distal polyps have been found in the hollows created by fallen trees, but they are notably less aggressive than those found even across the inflection layer. Biologists speculate that this is because this subspecies has become 'lazy' with the glut of decaying plant and animal matter to be found in the forest floor.

Natural Resources

Both terrestrial chili peppers and scintillating peppers grow well in the Korkravas Mountains, and, in modern times, adventurous Rostran entrepreneurs maintain plantations at the lakeside foot of the mountain. One of Eudoxia Chemical Group's experimental agri-mines recieves regular shipments from these plantations to facilitate experimentation with regards to creating spicy extracts.

Mountain Range

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth


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