Bureau of Ballot Measures Organization in Manifold Sky | World Anvil

Bureau of Ballot Measures

Petalcap Vale is governed by a form of direct democracy; while individual districts enjoy a degree of autonomy, issues that affect the nation as a whole are voted on by the nation as a whole. To facilitate the legislative process, Vale Verdials in each district elect a representative to serve on the Bureau of Ballot Measures. The Bureau, while not directly in control of the levers of state power, are responsible for hearing or researching issues and formulating ballot measures to be voted on by the public at large. Because their charters are officiated by such measures - and the taxes to fund them are also approved as such - the Bureau of Ballot Measures is also responsible for establishing and overseeing other parts of the state bureaucracy, such as the Department of Defense and Customs Authority. For this reason, the Bureau of Ballot Measures is often regarded by outsiders as the organization most representative of the Vale as a state and the de facto seat of governmental power.


The Bureau of Ballot Measures is comprised of elected representatives of the various districts of Petalcap Vale, as well as outlying settlements like Godshead Rock and the Blackthorn Territory. Each representative is accompanied by their personal retinue of advisors and aides who assist them in formulating legislation and preparing public statements. The leaders of other state bureaus and their specialized aids answer to the Bureau of Ballot Measures en banc on important mantters of state; there have been controversies in the past over these government appointees displaying partiality towards one representative or another in the hopes of currying favor for their own personal aims.


Representativesin the Bureau of Ballot Measures tend to become increasingly neurotic and perfectionist as their tenure goes on. The laws they write must simultaneously be exacting enough to serve the purposes of governance, comprehensible enough for their constituents to understand them, and moderate enough in scope to recieve broad voter appeal (or at least not engender public distaste). This is a difficult balance to strike, and failure often means that weeks or even months of brainstorming, debate, and revision is immediately wasted.

Government, Leadership
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth
Character flag image: Petalcap Vale Flag by BCGR_Wurth


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