Salaangol Settlement in Malplenan | World Anvil
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The city is at the top of the Khünd River and connects the nations north of the mountains through the Kaveto Pass. They have a distinct style of architecture, both due to the diverse amount of cultures and due to the harsher weather and more snow in the winter. Almost all trade from north of the mountains and from Mel̓ux̌aca’ goes through Salaangol.   Salaangol has recently become a popular destination for tourism. The diversity of the city due to the abundance of resources and food has spurred a cultural revolution in the city, with many new places for arts, music, food, etc popping up.


The city has a wide mix of all sorts of races. It is roughly 50% Khünd Ajil, with a large representation of Sqʷn̓ečstm and Amikwànò, followed up with a wide variety of other races. Salaangol has a higher portion of artisan class and upper class than typically found in other cities, especially relative to the amounts and types of raw resources and food they produce. This is since they are able to control the trade through the mountains and because they are able to generate large income from the tourism they draw.
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